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Sonny Hendrawan Saputra
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Someone who loves the diversity of cultures, enjoys to observe dynamic of politics, and learns from outstanding people with notable achievements. Dreaming of exploring the beauty of world with any uniqueness in any part of it.




Hidden Legendary Chicken Congee Restaurant in Tasikmalaya

31 Januari 2015   11:42 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   12:03 92
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[caption id="attachment_962" align="aligncenter" width="508" caption="Chicken Congee in Warung Bubur Haji Zaenal, Tasikmalaya, West Java"] [/caption]

"That's huge!" I was surprised by the big portion of chicken congee served on my table. At first, actually the seller already asked whether I would order one or half portion. C'mon, as food lover, of course I ordered the standard portion, definitely not the half one :). However, seeing what I had on table, I had to admit that I could be too much in ordering such big portion. But, as you might assume, hahaha finally I could finish it very well.

Warung Bubur Haji Zaenal was the first restaurant where I ate in my travel in Tasikmalaya, West Java. I didn't have much research on food spots before arriving there, but previously some friends already recommended me to taste that legendary chicken congee. So, since it seemed interesting, Warung Bubur Haji Zaenal was noted as my top list spots to visit.

[caption id="attachment_963" align="aligncenter" width="280" caption="Having to pass the aisle which is very narrow to reach the hidden place of chicken congee"]


Well, how can it be called as legendary one? Surely, its existence since 1969 has marked itself as a must visit food place in Tasikmalaya. Hidden in the Wiradikarta Street housing area, people have to pass aisle which is very narrow, just enough for one motorcyle passing.

Not only got impressed by the big portion, but also by the abundant congee topping. Shredded chicken meat, shredded chicken liver, youtiou or here known as cakwe (deep fried strip of dough), and chopped scalions perfectly covered the top of the congee. Another experience in enjoying this congee was about its texture. Commonly, congee I found either in Solo or Jakarta had more condesed but soft texture. Meanwhile, the congee I found in Warung Bubur Haji Zaenal had bit rougher texture and bit more aqueous. For Central Javanese guy like me who normally loved spicy and sweet foods, that congee was salty enough. Thus, I added sweet soy sauce and sambal (chili condimet) provided with the conclusion that this congee was savory and yummy.

[caption id="attachment_964" align="aligncenter" width="508" caption="The signage which is helpful enough for travelers"]


Warung Bubur Haji Zaenal itself opens daily from 6 am to 2 pm, but from the information I heard, it may close even sooner especially on Saturday due to many orders it has since early morning. The price is but higher than regular chicken congee sold by street vendors, but it is somehow worthed and equal to its big portion and abundant of topping. The price for standard portion that I mention as the big one is 25.000 IDR or around 2 USD. Meanwhile, for the half portion is 15.000 IDR or around 1.2 USD. As addition, teh tawar (tea without sugar) is free here.

Dictionary : Warung : small and simple restaurant Bubur : congee

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