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The Analysis of Poetry

4 Januari 2022   22:40 Diperbarui: 4 Januari 2022   23:25 164
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March wind by Author Unknown.

Poem of the week march wind ,however ,wind it means fresh and healthy,through children literatur, child care providers, librarians, parents and grandparents,the kid who is verry jolly fellow in his activity . The poem in title "March wind by Author unknown"Relaxing poem work and play and blow all day,Blow the Winter wind away,March wind is the poem that ilustration of Education. "march wind" also is the poem Invited people to time manage and wake up early.In this poem, there are point such as, imagery, figurative language, and poetic devices to convey the theme: the nature of march wind.

In general, the first and second stanzas of this type of poetry are verse, because in this type of poetry one stanza is a poem whose one stanza consists of four lines, in this poem using the rhyme of the eye, because the rhyme on words that look the same but are actually pronounced differently, examples of stanzas and whispers in each other's ears" and "don't you know that spring is here?" takes the form of the second line and the last line,in the other example is "he likes to joke and play" and "and blows men's hats away" form the word play and away it looks the same but are actually pronounced different.From the poem,it's taken the imagery form the sentence  " and whispers in each ear" in this sentence conveys one type of auditory imagery from the word "whisper" it describe what we hear. "Don't you know that spring is here?"From this sentence, it is mentioned that the parable in the tactile type explains what is touched and felt, including the "spring" is temperature.

For the connotation can be taken form this sentence "wake up you lazy in little seeds"because word to suggest a different association than its literal meaning,from "little seeds",it means it means to invite and wake up so that you can wake up physically and visually." he calls the pussy willows" pussy willows conotation meaning because from the dictionary it means the willow's gender ,meanwhile pussy willows is kind of the celebrate Imlek's flower,This flower is a sign of growth and represents the coming of prosperity,because its shape and texture resembles a cat's tail, hence the nickname 'pussy willow'. The appearance of the stem of this plant has a symbol of longevity.Meanwhile ," he likes to joke and play" it has denotation meaning because word which is primarily refers to the real word and the other word are denotation meaning.

However,for the metaphor  "don't you know that spring is here ?" (apakah kamu tidak tahu bahwa  musim semi ada disini) because describe certain things or feelings.this sentences ii" march wind is a jolly fellow and he calls the pussy willows, and blows men's hats away" from the word willows,blows and fellow it shows rhyme type because the repetation vowel sounds within word (O sounds ).it is same as the word "play and away " taken form the sentences" he likes to joke and play and and blows men's hats away" (A sound) because the repetation vowel sounds within word.Meanwhile, The sentences "he likes to joke and play and he turn umbrellas inside out" are Alliteration ,because the repetation of consonant sounds at the beginning word ,the word is (He ).

In conclucion March wind, a nature poem that invites us to remain cheerful and good at joking about nature. this poem teaches someone not to be lazy in doing activities. fought for, including in the fight for mental and physical health, as in the statements "don't you know that spring is here?" It's not easy to come, spring is one of the seasons where people wait for the spring moment. One of the characters in this poem is a cheerful man where he looks for a "pussy willow" flower which means the flower is for good luck. This poem inspires young people in today's modern world. The advice that can be taken in this poem is that in life it is always a race against time, time is the best friend to discuss together so don't waste time on something useless.

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