From the several historical events earlier, we can say that books and education can be an instrument for serving someone's personal purposes and aim. Additionally, history can be fabricated into a propaganda machine and produces hatred. Â As George Orwell said, 'The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.' And for this reason, Orwellian served as a prophet of how the government can exert control through propaganda.
Books and education are binoculars through children's eyes and how they will perceive the world. If their binoculars were poisoned by propaganda, the resulting attitudes and actions would contribute to misunderstanding of the world and help to provoke resentment. Thus, the design of the educational curriculum and historical knowledge must be given additional consideration. History classes should aim to teach students not only a sense of nationalism but also a critical mindset. As a result, historical awareness can become more concrete, and history might be perceived to belong to everyone.
"We don't need no education, we don't need no thought control. " - Pink Floyd
Oleh: Salsabila Nur Shabrina (EIEI'21)
Wakil Kepala biro Jurnalistik
SNF FEB UI 2022-2023
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