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Democracy In Our School!!

1 Oktober 2024   17:38 Diperbarui: 27 Oktober 2024   11:22 335
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source : Osis SMPN 52 Jakarta 

Democracy, literally, rule by the people. The term is derived from the Greek dmokratia, which was coined from dmos ("people") and kratos ("rule") in the middle of the 5th century BCE to denote the political systems then existing in some Greek city-states, notably Athens.

Democracy is a system operated within our school, usually a term used by the political world, we can always learn how to express our opinion and needs through this. Not only are we able to learn it early on starting in middle school, but it also makes making a decision in an organization, for example our school, a lot easier. Why? Because it gives everyone a chance to agree, disagree or even debate to changes that are being made at school. It is not always at school, even in outside of our school we can execute things that we learned in school about democracy.

Before they implemented the democracy by debating, selecting the leader, and elected it. The students at our school were given an insight about what democracy truly is and how it works, and they also learn the history and role of democracy in Indonesia. For a very long time, Indonesia already implemented this system, but did they? And by that, they learned historically and dictionally

   As you can see in the picture, they debated about issues around the school and also what program they want to make for their class, they are 8th graders. So, they can choose the leader based on how they debated too. There are 3 candidates for the president class and each of them consists of a couple of persons, and they are collaborated with another class. Like, Class 8A collaborated with Class 8C (Evelyne and Akbar), Class 8B with Class 8F (Niyya and Radith), and lastly Class 8D with Class 8E (Nakeysha and Hanania). It's look like turns into heater debate between candidate number one and two it was very enthusiastic. The candidate number three also has great performance they seems do it calmly. Also all the participant here like the success team and all the audience seems very enthusiast the situation is getting intense between the supporters and full of a fanfare. They're full of enthusiastic we can hear all those scream is full the field they're very supportive.

  Each candidates present their own unique speech, the general theme is giving a speech and debating about each of their visions about the future of our school, their programs when they are elected as the leader, and how they are planning to bring their promises to reality. The first couple of candidates which are Evelyne and Akbar, promises to uplift manners and discipline to the students of our school, the second candidate, Niyya and Radith, promises to promote and improve the prestigious achievements of our school. And for the third candidate, Nakeysha and Hanania promises to bring a much more friendly and motivating environment to our school. But have you asked what they are debating for? they actually vie for to became a leader of all the eight grade students.

source : Osis SMPN 52 Jakarta 
source : Osis SMPN 52 Jakarta 

As you can see all the energy of everyone who participated in this debate, they used matching shirts based on the potential partners they supported. Because it was getting hotter today, but the enthusiasm of all the students did not disappear, even tough, half of them scattered but they were still watching the debate. The hope of democracy in our school SMPN 52 Jakarta is to let us know what democracy is and what kind of democracy our Indonesia is and how we apply our lives.

Isn't it interesting? then how about in our country Indonesia, how did we implemented our democracy? In Indonesia, we practice democracy when all the people feel free to express their own opinions, and they must be able to use that privilege to respond to what they have chosen. Indonesian policy, both internal and external, has raised doubts about the quality of democracy in the country since 2015. Indonesia is ranked a "flawed democracy" (The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2018). The decline of democracy is partially associated with the presidential term of Joko Widodo (Jokowi), who assumed the office in October 2014.

   On Friday the 13th, they finally do the vote counting. Where as the result, Niyya and Radith are elected as the President and the Vice President for Class 2026. Although, the  President for Class isn't actually real, they learned something valuable about voting and democracy, and they also learned how to be a campaign committee. Preparing a bright future of democracy to our school; and even to our beloved country of Indonesia.

Written by: Jihan Aqeela S 9B, Puteri Asyifa S. 9F, Ahmad Rafi S. 8C

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