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Siti Husnul Khotimah
Siti Husnul Khotimah Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Guru

SITI HUSNUL KHOTIMAH, lahir dan tinggal di kota Reog, Ponorogo. Hobby gardening dan menulis. Motto, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”




Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester Genap

28 Februari 2024   11:40 Diperbarui: 28 Februari 2024   11:42 89
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          Hello, good morning everybody. I want to introduce myself. My name is Alisha. My families call me Lisha. I live in Ponorogo. I’m

 thirteen years old, and I’m about a hundred forty cm tall. My mother’s name is Soraya. My father’s name is Ismail. I have an older

 sister, her name is Talitha, and I also have a younger brother, his name is Yanuar. My hobbies are dancing and reading.

                Okay, that’s from me for now. Thank you very much for your attention.


The text above is for question 1 to 5

1. How old is Alisha?

    a. She is 12 years old.

    b. She is 13 years old.

    c. She is 14 years old.

    d. She is 15 years old.

2. How many brothers does she have?

     a. 1

     b. 2

     c. 3  

     d. 4.

3. What are Alisha’s hobbies?

    a. Dancing and cooking.

    b. Reading and playing.

    c. Dancing and reading.

    d. Singing and dancing.

4. Who is Mr. Ismail? He is Alisha’s….

     a. grandfather               

     b. uncle

     c. father

     d. brother                       

5. According to the text above, the writer is….

    a. saying good bye.

    b. introducing herself.

    c. introducing other.

    d. apologizing.

Choose the right answer!

 6. My father is a teacher. … teaches English in  

    Junior High School.

    a. She

    b. He

    c. They

    d. We

 7. Rina studies very hard. … is a very diligent student.

     a. She

     b. He

     c. They

     d. We

 8. … swim very fast in the pool. They are good swimmers.

      a. Kelly

      b. Uncle Ted

      c. Kelly and Uncle Ted

      d. The cat

 9. I have a book. So it is … book.

     a. your

     b. his

     c. her

     d. my

 10. … eat a large and complete sandwich. The sandwich is our lunch.

      a. I

      b. You

      c. We

      d. He

 11. Where is Danang? I need to speak to….

       a. her

       b. you

       c. him

       b. us

Fatima   : “Hi Dina’”

Dina       :”(12)…, Fatima.”

Fatima   :”How (13)…you doing?”

Dina       :”I (14)…fine, thanks. It’s been

                  a long time since we met. Where have  

                  you been for all this time?”

Fatima   :’Oh, I’d move with my family to

                 Surabaya. But now we (15)…moving

                 back to stay with our ailing


Dina       :”Oh, I see. That’s nice to hear it. And

                  how is your grandmother, now?”

Fatima   :” She (16) …getting better and happier

                  with us around.”

Dina       :”I’m very happy to hear that. Best

                 wishes for her and your  Family.”

Fatima   :”Oh, thank you. That is so nice of you.”


The dialogue above is for question 23-27. Fill in the gab with the right answer!

12.   a. Good morning

         b. Good afternoon

         c. Hello

         d. Bye

13.  a. is

       b. am

       c. are

       d. was

14.  a. is

        b. am

        c. are

        d. was .

15  a. is

      b. am

      c. are

      d. was

16. a. is

       b. am

       c. are

       d. was

             Danish is the youngest in our family. He is fourteen years old and three years younger than me. He has short straight hair, a

 friendly smile and beautiful bright eyes. Sometime he is a little bit hyperactive, but usually he is just a nice calm boy.

              Danish is interested in sports very much, and at school, he plays football and tennis. He is one of the best football players in his

 school. We are very proud of him.

The text above is for question 17-20

 17. Who is Danish? He is the writer’s….

       a. brother

       b. football player

       c. sister

       d. father

 18. How old is the writer?

        a. 13 years old

        b. 14 years old

        c. 15 years old

        d. 17 years old

 19.” We are very proud of him.” “We” here refer to….

       a. the football players

       b. Danish and his brother

       c. the writer’s family

       d. the tennis players

 20. This is the right statement based of the text.

         a. Danish has short straight hair.

         b. he is hyperactive and not calm.

         c. He doesn’t like sport.

         d. he plays basketball.

B. Build the sentences based on the instructions

    1. Change the sentences into negative form

        a. (+) Rani is sleeping right now.

             (- ) ………………………………..

        b. (+) The trees are having many brunches.

             ( -) ………………………………..

     2. Change the sentences into interrogative form!

          a. (+) The students are writing the note on their book.

               (? ) …………………………………………

        b. ( -) I am not drinking water now,

            (?) ................................................................

3. Change the sentences into positive form!

       a. (?) Is Akbar studying English?

           (+) ...............................................................

       b. (- ) Mr. Fauzan is driving his new car .

           (+) ..............................................................

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. 5
  6. 6
  7. 7
  8. 8
  9. 9
  10. 10
  11. 11
  12. 12
  13. 13
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