Di tengah gencarnya larangan dari oknum elite keagamaan Islam bahkan fatwa haram memberikan ucapan Selamat Natal bagi umat Kristiani, dua belas mahasiswi-mahasiswa fakultas Ilmu Perbandingan Agama IAIN Walisanga Semarang “membuat terobosan luar biasa … dan memberikan kesejukan harmoni.”
Sesaat menjelang dimulainya Perayaan Ekaristi (Misa) Malam Natal di Gereja Kebon Dalem, rombongan mahasiswi-mahasiswa IAIN Walisanga menjumpai Ketua Komisi Hubungan Antaragama dan Kepercayaan Keuskupan Agung Semarang yang juga Pastor Paroki Gereja Kebon Dalem, Pastor Aloys Budi Purnomo Pr, dan memohon ijin untuk mengikuti Misa Malam Natal di gereja itu.
“Saya pikir, mereka datang untuk ikut ‘mengamankan’ jalannya perayaan Misa Malam Natal, ternyata mereka mengatakan mau ikut serta dari awal sampai selesai,” imam itu bercerita kepada media.
“Karena semua bangku dan kursi di dalam dan di luar gereja sudah dipadati oleh ribuan umat yang hadir, maka mereka dipersilakan duduk di kursi lipat yang disediakan secara mendadak di bagian paling depan di dalam gereja,” cerita imam itu.
Dijelaskan bahwa keduabelas mahasiswi-mahasiswa dengan khidmat mengikuti jalannya upacara Misa Malam Natal. “Ketika mereka saya perkenalkan kepada umat, umat dengan antusias, secara spontan menyambut mereka dengan tepuk tangan! Yesus Kristus memang lahir bukan hanya untuk orang Kristiani, tetapi untuk siapa pun juga!” kata imam itu.
Peristiwa itu, jelas Pastor Budi Purnomo Pr, menjadi penting di tengah disertifikasi spiritual saat orang mudah terjebak dalam padang gurun kekeringan rohani yang bahkan membuat orang menolak keberadaan Tuhan. “Apa pun yang menjadi motivasi mereka, kehadiran mereka dalam Misa Malam Natal hingga selesai, memberikan kesejukan harmoni di tengah padang gurun kehausan orang mendambakan hidup rukun dan damai!” tegas imam itu.***
In the midst of incessant prohibition of Islamic religious elite persons even fatwa haram give Merry Christmas greeting to Christians, twelve student-faculty of comparative religious studies student IAIN Walisanga Semarang "making tremendous inroads ... and give you the coolness of harmony."
Shortly before the start of the celebration of the Eucharist (Mass) on Christmas Eve Church Kebon Dalem, groups of student-student IAIN Walisanga meet the Commission Chairman of the Interreligious Relations and beliefs of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Semarang who is also Pastor of the parish church of Kebon Dalem, Pastor Aloys Budi Purnomo Pr, and begged permission to attend Christmas Eve mass at the Church.
"I think they have come to join the ' securing ' the course of the celebration of Christmas Eve mass, it turns out they say want to participate from start to finish," the priest told the media.
"Because of all the benches and chairs inside and outside the Church is already well populated by thousands of people who were present, then they are welcome to sit in folding chairs provided reshuffled at the very front of the Church," the priest's story.
Explained that the twelve student-College student with a solemn ceremony followed the course of Christmas Eve mass. "When they introduce me to the people, the people with enthusiasm, spontaneously greet them with applause! Jesus Christ was indeed born not just for Christians, but for anyone too! "said the priest.
That event, obviously Pastor Budi Purnomo Pr, became important in the midst of a spiritual certified when people easily get caught up in the wilderness of spiritual drought that even makes people deny the existence of God. "Whatever be their motivation, their presence in the Christmas Eve mass to finish, giving coolness harmonies in the middle of the wilderness, thirsty people crave the tenets of life and peace!" stated the priest
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