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Attitude, Life, and Achievements

9 Februari 2024   12:30 Diperbarui: 9 Februari 2024   15:46 238
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"Excellence is not a gift, but a skill that takes practice. We do not act 'rightly' because we are 'excellence', in fact we achieve 'excellence' by acting 'rightly.'" -- Plato



The quotes from Plato are meaningful to me. The quote tells about the progression of our achievements in life. Achievement isn't a gift, but it is a result. Many people chase to be the perfect person, it satisfies them. But, many people don't know that being excellent takes a long time of progression. Which means it takes a lot of energy, time, courage, and motivation to develop our skills. We need to practice our skills to achieve our target or achievements.


On the other hand, attitude is one of the most important aspects of our life. Attitude has an impact on your society. It's how you react to others, develop your communication skills, and show yourself in front of the others as individual. When you have attitude, you will have the excellence.



Some people don't mind their attitude, it's because they don't realize the impact of their attitude on their society. Maybe there isn't someone that tells or teaches them the life lessons. So, they always do and talk about anything that they want without thinking about other people's perspectives. In this society, indeed, we shouldn't mind our people's perspective about us. But, if their perspective is negative to us, we should think too about our attitude to them. It can be the problem in ourselves and we must introspect our attitude. A society that gives life lessons probably makes us realize and helps us to become a better person. 



Attitude is relevant to our achievement. Which is, when we do something at school, work, and business, we need attitude in our communication skills. It makes us get a good impression on others. The fact is, attitude isn't for impressing others, but it gives value to yourselves. When we have attitude, we easily have a channel or relation that helps us to reach our goal.

There are so many excellent people in this world, but it doesn't mean that they have an attitude. Excellence doesn't show that the people's character is good. We should think that to have excellence, we must have attitude first. Attitude and excellence are two things that relation to others. If we don't have one of it, we can't have one of the others.

Some people don't mind their attitude, it's because they don't realize the impact of their attitude on their society. Maybe there isn't someone that tells or teaches them the life lessons. So, they always do and talk about anything that they want without thinking about other people's perspectives. In this society, indeed, we shouldn't mind our people's perspective about us. But, if their perspective is negative to us, we should think too about our attitude to them. It can be the problem in ourselves and we must introspect our attitude. A society that gives life lessons probably makes us realize and helps us to become a better person.


The quote teaches me a lot about progression and attitude. First of all, It means when we want to become an excellent person, we should pass the resistance and never give up. It also shows that excellence comes from our courage to learn or practice something, it can be our goal. To reach it, we should face the struggle and suffer. We must learn to become comfortable in that cruel situation.

Second, attitude is the most important aspect in the society. It's about how we interact with others, how we manage our emotions, and how to see other people's perspectives. Attitude shows our value to others, it naturally shows our boundaries to interact with others. Also, attitude makes us have good relations with other people, such as friends, family, colleagues, etc. That good relationship helps us to search for our needs in life. It doesn't mean that we exploit others just for our gain, but it shows that good relations may be beneficial to us, and that is how society works.

In this big world, many excellent people that we met. But, sometimes excellence that they have doesn't mean that they have a good attitude. They just show their achievement that many people are amazed by it. But in reality, people see attitude first rather than achievements. It helps us to gain more personal value. We should know that if we have a good attitude, we can reach our goals in life.



This quote reminds me about how to be consistent with my goal. It's relevant to what I come through. For example, when I'm doing my schoolwork. Sometimes I feel the pressure and laziness at the same time. It happens because I'm a perfectionist person, I am never satisfied with my work. That character can have a good and negative impact on me at the same time. On the other hand, the hardest part is I should consistently collect all my good scores. But, I always remind myself, If I want to get ranked, I should put more work into doing my school assignments and tests. That means I should sacrifice my time and energy.

Second, my family built my attitude. Since I was a child, my parent taught me to greet and interact with people, table manners, and how to see many things from various perspectives. I often tell all about my experiences at school and with friends to them. So, my parents can advise me when I do something and they always warn me if I do anything wrong.

Third, I am grateful that my parents taught me about attitude. Because of it, I feel different in society. Which is, I used to interact with people that older than me. They can comfortably talk on the same topic with me, and of course, I put in some work to balance the topic. On the other hand, many people tell me that I am mature in my age. Therefore, I like to talk with my friends at school. Even some point, I realized the difference between my high school and my college friends, I tried to adapt to the differences even sometimes I should be a little bit patient. Also, I got relations with my friends who already got to work. Sometimes I got called to join their work, which is modeling. It is beneficial to me and I got my experiences.

Fourth, excellence in someone sometimes brings a burden to themselves. It happens because many people will depend on the people that they see better than them. It happens to me, it doesn't mean that I see myself as an excellent person, but sometimes I feel that some people depend on me when doing some assignment. Some of them wanted me to teach them, sometimes I teach if they asked, but it doesn't mean every time. I feel frustrated at some point because I should work hard on my assignment. I'm not the smartest like they think, I still should study.

Fifth, faced different perspectives of people's opinions about my achievement. Studying isn't the one way to achieve my goals, but I also learn. First, some people think that school grades don't have a big influential on the future. But, it's different for me. I feel proud of myself when I get good grades. Also, study is included in self-love, which means I can develop my knowledge and my way of thinking. Second, I always try to learn new things, even when I get scared on it. I try to push myself to do something that I am scared of. For example, I learn to do public speaking, open a conversation with someone, go to the new community, etc. After I try many new things, I feel that I shouldn't be scared of doing it because it makes me become a better person.



Consistency is a key, that is what everyone says, and I agree about it. Which means, I should be patient with my progress. Even though I should live and enjoy the pain, I should dance in the bloody sweat, hard work never betrays the result. In my opinion, consistency isn't always related to doing something that someone likes, but it is related to doing something repeatedly even if you don't like it. 




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