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Ilmu Sosbud

Islamic Cultural Realities in Indonesia's Political Configuration

17 Juni 2024   09:41 Diperbarui: 19 Juni 2024   20:47 85
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Islam is a universal religion with the foundation of rahmatan lil alamin, bringing the concept that every human being has an attachment in life with the presence of a system that runs economics, law, and politics. Islam has a position in the concept and field of politics, which is implemented in an integrative form as a means in politicians and thinking to safeguard the affairs of the people so that they remain following Islamic values and can be in a mission carried out on an Islamic basis. Indonesia, as a country with the majority of its population, is Muslim, also based on political thought and its application through an Islamic foundation as a sharia provision as well as a paradigm in political policy in Indonesia.

The political system in Indonesia uses a democratic political system based on the sovereignty of the people, based on law, and a republic. This political system has an understanding related to the system and functions used as a regulator of government and the exercise of power in the state (Mahanani et al., 2022). Another thing that proves related to the political system in Indonesia is that democracy exists in the government based on the constitution, the representative system, and the presidential government. The political system in Indonesia is also based on the values of Pancasila, which underlies the formation of rules, policies, and laws that apply. The political system in Indonesia has been running. The presence of political power in Indonesia is divided into three institutions, namely the executive, legislative, and judiciary, that carry out their respective duties and obligations in accordance with the development and progress applied in Indonesia.

The implementation of the democratic system in Indonesian politics can be studied by looking at how reality develops in the presence of the majority of the population. Indonesia has a population of 275.5 million, and 236 million Indonesians embrace Islam. This condition shows the position of Islam as a prominent thing in the large order of the population in Indonesia. This prominent position of Islam has a marginal role in Indonesian political life, which is one of the most important elements in the application of politics following Islamic law and values that will be adapted in a policy for national political life (Mahanani et al., 2022).

The marginal role that Islam has in the political order in Indonesia represents the presence of Islamic culture in the implementation of Indonesian politics. Islamic culture is a provision that becomes a habit according to Sharia and has been carried out for generations. This Islamic culture is also reflected in the application of politics, also known as Islamic political culture (Nurussa'adah, 2018).  Islamic political culture is a belief in applying politics based on Islamic religious values that become orientations in the provisions and policies applied. Indonesia's political system, based on the democratic system, is a view of Islamic culture in Indonesian politics.

Islamic culture in politics is based on Ulil Amri, which includes how the guidelines of Islamic values are harmonized in the form of policy implementation to be implemented as obedience for the people of Indonesia (Mahmudah, 2012). Islamic culture in politics in Indonesia is a reflection of the interpretation of the value of nationalism that looks at a national bond in the form of bonds of national values, unity, and divinity set. Examining the meaning of Islamic political culture in Indonesia, it can be seen as Indonesia's political configuration in the current reality, which stipulates the existence of community participation in the implementation of policies and political rules in Indonesia that apply.

The application of Islamic culture to Indonesian politics is interpreted in a benevolent approach related to constitutional and state affairs. The implementation of Islamic culture in the configuration in Indonesia can be seen from the existence of deliberation, justice, and accountability. First, related to deliberation, this is a culture in Islam that is also explained in Q.S. Al-Imran verse 3, which confirms that Allah SWT commands us to always be trustworthy by forgiving mistakes and not producing a dorm of division, which is the basis for the application of deliberation (Ridwan, 2017). The understanding of deliberation in Islamic culture is that Islam does not like conflicts and divisions, so in the settlement, deliberation is applied to mutual decisions and agreements without rebuking and favoring one party. This form of deliberative Islamic culture is present in Indonesia's political configuration of policies and rules to be formed, such as in the existing election policy in Indonesia, which adheres to an election system following community decisions that describe how deliberations run to achieve final provisions and decisions by involving the community in elections that describe the form of justice deliberation according to the values of Pancasila and the representation of Islamic culture in Indonesian politics.

Second, justice as an Islamic culture is reaffirmed in Q.S Al-Nahl verse 16, related to Allah SWT's command always to do good. This demonstrates how Islam, since its presence in the world, implements justice for others and has become a culture in inherited life (Ridwan, 2017). The configuration of the Islamic culture of Justice towards the implementation of politics in Indonesia is the opportunity to nominate to be one of the representatives in the government in Indonesia.

Third, accountability is an Islamic culture in the order of leadership towards its obligations. The interpretation of this culture is reflected in Q.S Al-Anfal verse 8, which explains that it is related to not committing treason, especially to God and the Prophet, as trust has been present in us. Trust has been present in us. Configuration of responsibility in Islamic culture in politics in Indonesia to government policies to help people who need help. Government policies to assist people who need help, such as social assistance and assistance to natural disasters, are government obligations. This form of culture is based on relationships between fellow human beings who implement Islamic values and Islamic values and Pancasila in an effort to achieve political unity in Indonesia. This form of Islamic culture of accountability is present in the existence of Islamic organizations as an organization that oversees and provides protection as well as supervision in political provisions in Indonesia against the Islamic culture applied (Jati, 2016).

The reality reflected in the application of Islamic culture confirms how the Indonesian political system, namely democracy, runs according to the foundation of Islamic culture, which was born from Islamic values and became a guideline in Islam, which is carried out as a form of obedience and piety to Allah SWT. Islamic political culture in Indonesia, as in the existing explanation, has a direct configuration to the life of the nation and state with a reflection of every agreement, decision, and policy applying the involvement of the people as a form of sovereignty in a democratic system, which is the primary milestone of political implementation. The Islamic culture contained in Indonesia's political configuration is a view of how politics travels to the marginal role in the form of views and obedience owned by the Indonesian people. Thus, it can be said that in reality, Islamic culture has a significant share, as it presents the political configuration in Indonesia as a reflection of the universal teachings of Islam applied to all mankind.

Shofiyyah Zulfa_20230510060_L_AIK 2 Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.


Jati, W. R. (2016). Memaknai Kelas Menengah Muslim Sebagai Agen Perubahan Sosial Politik Indonesia. Al-Tahrir: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam, 16(1), 133.

Mahanani, Q. F. I., Marintan, M. A., Dewi, I. A. K., & Fuadi, M. A. (2022). ISLAM DAN POLITIK DI INDONESIA (Perspektif Sejarah). Al-Isnad: Journal of Islamic Civilization History and Humanities, 3(1), 1--199.

Mahmudah, S. (2012). Politik Penerapan Syari ' At Islam Dalam Hukum Positif Di Indonesia ( Pemikiran Mahfud Md ). Al-Adalah, X No 4, 403--414.

Nurussa'adah, E. (2018). Nilai Keterbukaan Ideologi Partai Islam dalam Perspektif Komunikasi Politik. Jurnal ASPIKOM, 3(5), 975.

Ridwan. (2017). Hubungan Islam Dan Politik Di Indonesia Perspektif Pemikiran Hasan Al-Banna. Jurnal Hukum Samudra Keadilan, 12(2), 223--236.

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