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Shazfa Qatrin
Shazfa Qatrin Mohon Tunggu... Student

Majoring in English Literature



Healthy Pilihan

How to Improve a Healthy Lifestyle During the Holidays

30 Agustus 2023   19:26 Diperbarui: 30 Agustus 2023   19:28 71
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Holiday season doesn't mean your healthy lifestyle goes on holiday too, you have to take care of your health as well! According to World Health Organization (WHO), a healthy lifestyle is a way of living that helps you enjoy more aspects of your life. Health is not just about avoiding a disease or illness. It is about physical, mental, and social well-being too.

If you're trying to change your lifestyle to be healthier, let me guide you through the way, here are a few tips that help you improve a healthy lifestyle during the holidays, as well as a bonus tip at the end!

1. You ARE what you eat

A way to start a healthy lifestyle is from what you eat. Many people aren't consciously aware of this. The more unnutritious food you are consuming in your youth, the more negative effects will occur as you age. According to Panchenko, it is important to have a healthy and balanced diet for young, active people. This means that the food has to be as diverse in culinary processing and fresh, and also contain a sufficient amount of balance of the basic nutrients.

Of course, completely cutting off from junk food isn't easy. For starters, you could try to replace your snacking with something nutritious instead, for instance, eating nutritious bars, fruits or yogurt and oats, which is a convenient way to add carbohydrates, proteins and has low-calorie, low-fat and is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. You must also balance out your plate, with enough carbohydrates, enough protein, enough fiber. Also, consume foods that could help with digestion!

2. Get enough sleep
Having enough sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and for overall well-being. Your mental, physical, and emotional wellness are all supported by enough sleep. Avoid consuming large meals, coffee, and alcohol just before bed. Consuming these could interfere with your sleep cycles and make it difficult to get to sleep or remain asleep. Try to keep a regular sleep schedule. Even on weekends, attempt to go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day. This enhances the quality of your sleep and assists in regulating your body's intrinsic clock.

3. Exercise Adequately
It's a great target to improve your healthy lifestyle by getting enough exercise. Your physical and mental health will benefit greatly from regular physical activity. First, set your fitness objectives. Having particular targets can help you stay motivated, whether they be for weight reduction, muscular growth, as well as simply feeling more energized. 

Choose a workout you like to do. This makes it more likely that you'll maintain your exercise routine. Walking, jogging, biking, swimming, or joining a sport. You may begin with simple workouts if you're new to training to prevent excessive strain and injury. Increase the duration, frequency, and level of your exercises gradually.
The next tip is a bonus to prevent your skin from looking dull and maintaining firm skin!

4. Skincare & Face massage

Skincare and face massage can help you lead a healthier lifestyle by implementing routine habits that promote the well-being, relaxation, and general health of your skin.

To maintain healthy-looking skin you don't always need to follow the skincare routine that has a lot of steps, basic skincare will do it for you as good! Although this may not be suitable for every skin type, since every individual has different skin problems and what they would prefer for their skin, it's worth a simple try. So, what is basic skincare? It's pretty basic actually, just as it suggests. All you need is micellar water, facial wash, toner, moisturizer, and sunscreen.  

To butt in a personal experience, I've tried the long skincare steps, and it didn't work that well for me, with all the claims that the product has it still has no effect on me, my skin didn't do any better no matter how long I used it. But a few years later, I started basic skincare and when I tell you it does wonders, it ACTUALLY does! Not only that I get to save my skincare spending, I also got much better skin with only a few products.

Face massage also does wonders you never thought you could achieve on your own. A routine face massage with a roller, gua sha, or even your hands at least 3 times a week, will show exceptional results. To lubricate the massage, apply a face oil, serum, or moisturizer so that your hands can glide across the skin more easily.

You could watch online videos to see how to do it visually. When massaging, use soft, upward strokes. Avoid giving too much pressure, especially near sensitive areas like the eyes. For greater relaxation, take calm, deep breaths while massaging your face. Additionally, it can ease muscular tension. Take special care of the temples, jawline, and other areas that are prone to stress. Gently rub these areas with upward or circular strokes. Include facial workouts in your regimen to assist in toning muscles and improving blood flow. These workouts might help in making you seem younger.

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