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Analysis Students Comprehension of Adverbial Clauses at SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra 1 Medan

12 Desember 2022   12:36 Diperbarui: 12 Desember 2022   13:10 184
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Clause is a group of words that includes a subject and a verb. Requirement of the clause there are subject and object that make up a sentence. Clauses have two kinds. They are independent clause and dependent clause. Independent clause is clause that can stand alone as a sentence and dependent clause is clause that can’t stand alone as a sentence. It can’t stand by itself because not express a complete thought. Fuad (2002:151) states that clause is a set of words that contains a subject (subject sentence) and a predicate (term sentence).

In general, dependent clause in sentence has specific information to explain independent clause. Dependent clause is divided into 3 types. The first is Noun Clause, the second is Adjective clause, and the last one is Adverbial clause. Adverbial clause is a dependent clause that functions as an adverb and provide information about the verb, adjective, or adverb which are in the independent clause with it is capacity to answer the question how, when, where, why, or to what degree.

 Adverbial clause is one part of grammar that is learned by students. In addition learning about adverbial clause students also learn about noun clause and adjective clause also, Adverbial clause is learned in Senior High School. Senior High School Students learn about Adverbial clause when they are at the second grade. They learn about it as additional grammar. It is important to learn because when students learn about adverbial clause, students should know about structure of sentence, what tense is used in the sentence? And translate the sentence is too.

The main purpose of Adverbial clause is comprehension. Students’ Comprehension of Adverbial clauses is students able to answers the questions about them. Students can know what kinds of Subordinate clause that consisted in a complex sentence.

As, the writer experiences was in Teaching Practice Program (PPL) in SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra Medan at second grade. The writer had interviewed the students about their motivation in learning English. The writer found that so many students had low in motivation. Many students said that they don’t care about English and have no attention to the process of teaching. After interviewing the English teacher and some students, it can be concluded that students get difficulties in comprehending adverbial clause because they have lack of vocab and they still do not have good attention in studying English, because from the first level with the previous teacher they only been taught about grammar, not fun activities. The result is they were getting bored and they have less motivation on it. The failure of the students in studying English is happened because the students do not enjoy their lesson.

Based on the curriculum of SMA/SMK in second grade, the students were expected to comprehend the adverbial clauses and also have ability to do communication both in written and oral language to advice functional and informal literacy. The writer found the problem in the school because there was a gap between reality and expectation. The researcher found the problem where students were still lack in grammar. Due to adverbial clause which included a grammar is difficult to comprehend by them. This situation was different with basic competencies or indicator in curriculum.

In this research the writer taken three researches that was conducted by the previous researchers to strengthen this research. Moreover, the first previous researcher is Boyer (1991) was investigating about statistical studies adverbial clause. This study explained about clauses will be concerned with the adverbial clauses. This study stated that attention will be given to the conjunctions or conjunctive relative phrases used to introduce the clauses, to the moods used, and to the give statistical information at every level, so that the students may begin to appreciate the relative magnitude of each structure.

In Addition is Hinkel (2002) investigated the research about presents a qualitative analysis of deictic, modifying, and intensifying adverbials, as well as several semantic clauses of adverb clauses, and compares their median frequency rates in academic essays written by first- year Nation students and academically-advanced Non Nation School students. This study was focus on Notion Student and Non Nation Student uses of twelve semantic and syntactic classes of adverbials. They are time adverbs, place adverbs, manner adverbs, amplifiers, emphatic adverbs, downtoners, cause clauses, concession clauses, condition clauses, conditional clauses, purpose clause, other types of adverb clauses, and reduced adverb clauses.

This was supported by Haegeman (2006) who did investigate the research about main clause phenomena and the derivation of adverbial clause. The purpose of the study is concerned with the syntactic derivation of adverbial clauses. A movement analysis of adverbial clauses allows us also to account for a number of other such phenomena both in English and in other language.

Based on the explanation above, the writer was interested to conduct the research about Analysis Student’s Comprehension of Adverbial Clauses at SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra Medan. The writer wanted to know the student’s comprehension in Adverbial Clause because before that never researcher research about analysis adverbial clause in student. This study would be conducted to know the students’ comprehension in adverbial clauses. If the will be conducted, students should will know how their comprehension about adverbial clause. Teachers will know how good the method was that they taught in adverbial clause before from students score of adverbial clause, the writers can found how students comprehend about adverbial clause and found a good alternative method to improve students’ comprehension of adverbial clause. If the research was not to be conducted the students, teacher, the school, and the writer would not know the weakness in study of adverbial clause.

Based on the background of the study above, the study proposes the following research problems.

  • How is the students’ comprehension of Adverbial Clauses at SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra Medan?
  • What types of adverbial clause are difficult to be comprehended by students at SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra Medan?
  • How to improve students’ comprehension of adverbial clause at SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra Medan?



The study is a qualitative research. The study uses qualitative approach. The method of the study is descriptive while the design of the study is case study about Adverbial clauses. They are in the form of test, interview, and observation. This study is just focus in one variable. It is adverbial clauses which as dependent variable. The study would reflect the linguistic.

The subjects in the research are second grades on Vacation School. The study is focus in TKJ class which as SBI class. TKJ class has four classes. One class is SBI class and the others are regular class. SBI class in TJA is selected corresponding with class which the writer had taught in Teaching practice. The research would be conducted at SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra Medan academic year 2016/2017 which is located at Jalan Jamin Ginting No 9c, Simpang Selayang, Medan Tuntungan, Kota Medan, Sumatra Utara 20135. Time to conduct the research was on January. According to Sudijono (2011:318), the correct answer was given 1 score while the wrong answer was given by applying this formula:

S= X 100 %

Where :

S = Score of the test

R= The number of the correct answer

N= The number of questions.

Criteria of the Students’ Comprehension

Based on the table above, the criteria of Mastery and Grade can be classified in to two categories. They are comprehend and uncomprehend. The first is comprehend, the criteria of mastery and grade that includes 90 – 100 (Excellent), 80 – 89 (Very Good), 70 – 79 (Good), 60 – 69 (Average). The second is uncomprehend, the criteria of mastery that includes Less than 59 (Poor).


The writer found the students’ comprehension  of adverbial clauses was good. It can be seen the number of students that included good category is (13 students). In spite of, the students that poor in adverbial clauses  were (5 students).

  • The test was conducted about adverbial clause in matching main clause with subordinate clause correctly, almost of them were excellent. In completing sentences especially in completing subordinate clause students were uncomprehend to use tenses, subordinate clause correctly, and unable to identify which one adverbial clause of time which one adverbial clause of adversative and also which one adverbial clause of purpose and which one adverbial clause of result and in observation. In contrast, the students could identify what kind of adverbial clause that include in the sentences. The type of adverbial clause that difficult to understand by students were adverbial clause of result, adverbial clause of purpose, and adverbial clause of cause.  In interviewing the teacher, the writer found learning strategy and the method. The learning strategy is Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) and the method is Grammar Translation Method, the learning strategy and the method are useful ease in teaching English and students could understand learning English well.

Based on the result of the research finding, the writer concludes that

  • The students’ comprehension of adverbial clause is shown as the follows:
  • 8 students are categorized excellent (22.22 %), 6 students are categorized very good (16.67%), 13 students are categorized good (36.11%), 4 students are categorized average (11.11%). On the other hand, 5 students are poor (13.89%). It means more than half of them comprehend of adverbial clause.
  • Types of Adverbial clauses that are difficult to be comprehended by the students at SMK Telkom Shandy Putra 1 Medan are adverbial clause of result 11 Students (30.55 %), adverbial clause of purpose 13 Students (36.11 %), and adverbial clause of cause 15 Students (41.66 %) and type of adverbial clause that is easy to be comprehended by the students is adverbial clause of comparison 34 Students (94.44 %). Almost they are Able to identify kinds of adverbial clause in the sentences.
  • And the method in teaching English especially Grammar that suitable is Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) and Grammar Translation Method (GTM).


Based on the conclusion above, the researcher offer some suggestions to improve a better skill comprehension in Learning and Teaching English especially Grammar as the following:

  • The English teachers should use Grammar Translation Method in teaching English especially Grammar that one of them is adverbial clauses. it can improves students’ comprehension of adverbial clauses.
  • The students should use Dictionary while learning English. It is to know the meaning that included the sentences. So the students can easily to answer the questions especially about adverbial clauses. They should harder and master about adverbial clauses or the other grammar and they must be active to ask the teacher if they don’t know the material.
  • The reader should be careful to complete the sentence about adverbial clause. Especially in using subordinate conjunction, make sure the meaning of the sentences first before completing or answering the question about adverbial clauses or the other kind of grammar.
  • The other researcher, as reference to conduct the same research and should understand the difficulties of the students, so that the teacher can know how to make the students comprehension this material easily by using Contextual Teaching and Learning and Grammar Translation Method.
  • The library, as a good Institute should provide the books which related with English. It can be rich the sources so that the students are easier in learning English especially.


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