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Southeast Asia Hosted Three International Summits, Chaos?

12 Maret 2023   23:11 Diperbarui: 12 Maret 2023   23:14 152
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Southeast Asia hosted three consecutive international summits in a week: the Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) ASEAN Summit in Phnom Penh, the KTT  Group of Twenty (G20) Summit in Bali, and the KTT Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in Bangkok. Eighteen countries contributed approximately half of the global economy, represented in the first ASEAN Summit since the Covid-19 pandemic in Cambodia: ASEAN 10, Japan, South Korea, China, India, the US, Russia, Australia, and New Zealand.

The chairman of the summit, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen (or "Colombia," according to the so-called "free world leader"), said the plenary session was somewhat heated but not tense: "Leaders spoke in a mature manner, and nothing was left unsaid."

It was up to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to reveal what was really important at the end of the summit. While praising the "inclusive, open, equal security and cooperation structure in ASEAN," Lavrov emphasized how Europe and NATO "want to militarize the region to contain Russia and China in the Indo-Pacific.". The manifestation of this policy is how "AUKUS openly targets confrontation in the South China Sea," he said. Lavrov also emphasized how the West, through the NATO military alliance, accepts ASEAN "only nominally" while promoting an agenda that is completely "unclear."

What is clear is how NATO "has moved towards Russia's border several times and now declares at the Madrid Summit that they have taken on global responsibility.". This brings us to the determiner: "NATO has moved their defense line to the South China Sea." And, Lavrov added, Beijing has the same assessment.

Here, in short, is the "open secret" of our current geopolitical glare. Washington's top priority is to contain China. That implies blocking the EU from getting closer to Eurasia's main driver - China, Russia, and Iran - which are involved in building the world's largest free trade/connectivity environment. Adding decades-long hybrid warfare against Iran, unlimited black hole armament of Ukraine fits into the initial stages of the battle. For the Empire, Iran cannot take advantage of being a cheap and high-quality energy supplier to the EU. And in parallel, Russia must be cut off from the EU. The next step is to force the EU to separate from China.

All of this fits into the wildest and most twisted Straussian/neo-con dream: to attack China, daring Taiwan, first Russia must be weakened, through the instrumentalization (and destruction) of Ukraine. And throughout the scenario, Europe has no agency.

Putin, Raeisi, and Erdogan's Path.

Real life in all major Eurasian nodes reveals a completely different picture. Take the casual gatherings in Tehran between Russian high security officials Nikolai Patrushev and his counterpart from Iran, Ali Shamkhani, last week. They not only discussed security issues but also serious business - as in turbo-charged trade. The National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) will sign a $40 billion deal next month with Gazprom, bypassing US sanctions, and including the development of two gas fields and six oil fields, natural gas and oil product exchange, LNG projects, and pipeline construction.

Immediately after the Patrushev-Shamkhani meeting, President Putin called President Ebrahim Raeisi to maintain "interaction in politics, trade, and economy, including transportation and logistics," according to the Kremlin. The Iranian President was reported to be "welcoming" the "strengthening" of Moscow-Tehran relations. 

Patrushev strongly supported Tehran against the latest color revolution adventure conducted under the endless hybrid war framework of the Empire. Iran and the EAEU are negotiating a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in parallel with an oil exchange deal with Russia. Soon, SWIFT may be completely bypassed. The entire Global South is watching.

In conjunction with Putin's phone call, Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey - in his own diplomatic overdrive and just back from the Turkic Council summit in Samarkand - stressed that the US and the collective West are attacking Russia "almost without limits." Erdogan explained that Russia is a "strong" country and praised its "great resistance." The response came exactly 24 hours later. Turkish intelligence cut to the chase, showing that the terrorist bombing on Istanbul's always-busy Istiklal pedestrian street was planned in Kobane in northern Syria, essentially in response to the US. It was a de facto act of war and could have serious consequences, including a deep revision of Turkey's presence in NATO.

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