Ramadhan is a holy month in Islamic Year that Muslims celebrate by abstaining from eating and drinking and prevent them selves from negative behaviors during the period of just before sunrise and sunset. In the evenings, Muslims do the night time prayers knows as tarawih * In Indonesia, Ramadhan is celebrated with many traditions. One of them is Buka bersama, or iftar together. Bukber can be done with family, co-workers, or former school-mates.
There are plenty of food and drinks that are served during Ramadhan month and consumed to break the fast. The most famous delicacy is kolak pisang (banana with sweet palm sugar syrup) Here are the things that we will meet during the month of ramadhan later:
1) Sahur
Sahur is an activity of eating that is done before the sun rises before the time of imsak or dawn prayer falls. Meanwhile, according to the prophet, we should end eating sahur so that we will be stronger in fasting.
2) Tarawih
Unlike other moon nights, it is only in the month of Ramadhan that people, especially muslims, carry out sunah prayers in congregation at the mosque  wich area called tarawih prayers. Tarawih prayers are sunnah and can be performed in congregation at the mosque or alone at home.
3) The month of the Qur'an
In this month Muslims will usually be more dilligent in reading the Quran because in addition to getting abundant rewards, the month of Ramadhan is also know as the month of the revelation of the qur'an.
4) Month of Zakat
Not only fasting and performing tarawih prayers, in the month of ramadhan muslims are required to pay Zakat before the arrival of Eid Al-fitr zakat carried out in the month of Ramadhan is called zakat fitrah.
5.) Other religious events
 In this month of Ramadhan, people will be interested in religious event. Not only in the surrounding environment but this is also found in several mass media including television. In this month, television stations usually broadcast show or religious program that are intended to attract viewers and increase the spread of Islam teaching during the month of ramadhan.
There are many sundries that we can meet in the month of Ramadhan. Some of them have been summarized in the explanation above. May the month of Ramadhan always lead us to goodness and as muslims we can achieve its virtues.
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