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Ilmu Sosbud

The Price of Eggs and Chicken in Goranggareng Market is Increasing

28 Mei 2023   13:31 Diperbarui: 28 Mei 2023   14:21 164
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Penjual Daging Ayam di Pasar Goranggareng, Selasa (23/03/23)

(Anggita Fajar W dan Sephia Putri AA)

Richard is a weightlifter from Goranggareng, Magetan. Every day he eats protein as an important intake in his body to keep his body athletic. The proteins that are often consumed by Richard are eggs and chicken meat. He requires that there are eggs and chicken meat on every plate when he eats.

One day on March 23, 2023, Richard was shopping at the Goranggareng market. He bought a lot of groceries, such as vegetables, fruits, rice, and of course eggs and chicken meat. But what a surprise he was to find that the price of eggs and chicken meat had increased so much compared to before. Even though he has bought at his subscription seller who can usually get a discount, but for this time he did not get a discount or bonus.

It turns out that after being traced, the price of eggs and chicken in Goranggareng Market has increased where the initial price of eggs is only Rp28.000,00 per kilogram now to Rp32.000,00 per kilogram, while for the initial price of chicken which is Rp29.000,00 per kilogram is now Rp34.000,00 per kilogram.

Suyanti, a chicken trader at Goranggareng Market who Richard subscribes to, said that the increase in chicken prices had occurred since before the holiday but had decreased until finally in the last 10 days it had increased again. According to Suyanti, the increase in chicken prices is due to the lack of local supply of chicken meat so that we traders have to supply meat from outside the region.

"The supply of meat from local is running low, so we have to take stock from outside the region. And that's what makes the price of chicken increase." Suyanti said, Tuesday (23/03/23).

In addition, the large number of people who hold celebrations also has an impact on increasing the price of eggs and chickens.  If there are not many who hold celebrations, eggs and chickens are empty of buyers as they are now already feeling the impact of the quiet celebration performance.

"The past two days have been very quiet. Buyers are reduced because the expensive price, so it has a direct impact on traders, "continued Suyanti.

In addition to egg traders, laying hen farmers also complained about the increase in egg prices because it resulted in a lack of buyers.

Sumarsono, one of the laying hen farmers in Selorejo Village who is also Richard's subscription, said that the increase in egg prices was caused by the increase in the price of chicken feed, especially corn, which originally cost only Rp4.000,00/kg to Rp6.000,00/kg. No different from chickens, this increase in eggs has occurred since before Eid yesterday.

"The rising price of chicken feed is what makes the price of eggs go up, because the price of feed is expensive so it is rare to buy feed, so egg production is also rare even though it can be replaced with other feed, but the quality of the eggs is still good, which was the corn feed earlier," said Sumarsono, Tuesday (23/03/23).

"Usually it can send eggs 5-6 boxes a day, but because the price has increased, you can only send 3-4 a day because the buyers are also rare," continued Sumarsono.

The increase in the price of eggs and chicken meat also has an impact on housewives for their family consumption. Many buyers also complained about the high price of chicken and eggs. As felt by Sukesi, he complained that prices were rising because he bought eggs and chicken for daily consumption.

"Yes, if you say you mind, yes, miss, but what else do we ordinary people want to do so that the price is stable and cheap again. So that we can all still eat food that has nutrition."  Sukesi said.

As also experienced by Mrs. Suyati as a housewife who often buys eggs and chicken meat.

"Yes, the purchase has decreased. As a result, people's purchasing power is reduced and people who live in the lower middle class cannot reach the price to buy it. Therefore, people prefer tempeh tofu as a substitute for daily side dishes. What used to buy 1 kg is now 1/2 kg. If we want to eat, the eggs are usually 1 whole, now it becomes piece. If it for chicken can usually buy breast, now switch to thighs because it is cheaper, affordable, and tastier." Mrs. Suyati said. (26/05/23)

"Hopefully the prices of all basic necessities, especially eggs and chicken meat can be lowered so that it is stable and all people can reach it and enjoy improving family nutrition, especially protein for children who are still growing. We hope to get assistance in the form of price controls from related agencies such as the trade office and livestock office so that food prices can return and remain stable in the future." continued Mrs. Suyati expressed her hope about the current increase in egg and chicken meat prices.

This increase in the price of eggs and chicken meat seemed to be a disaster for Richard. Because he couldn't possibly miss this important intake. As it is known that protein is the most important thing in terms of muscle formation and defense, especially Richard who really delved into it. Without adequate protein intake, he will have difficulty or even lose his muscles. Of course, he can't let this happen or he could lose his dream and career that has been coveted since childhood, which is to be a weightlifter and have a muscular body.

With this, Richard had to rack his brain in addition to managing his money, he also had to think about the need for protein intake, especially eggs and chicken meat for the continuity of his athlete's career. If this continues and does not get a bright spot or the price has not dropped to the original number, Richard must switch his protein source food to another or at worst he will lose his athleticity.

To deal with this phenomenon, control from the government regarding the price of food needs is needed. The relevant agencies and suppliers are of course expected to be able to work well together to achieve food welfare for all levels of society, especially in Magetan Regency.

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