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Brama Aditya
Brama Aditya Mohon Tunggu... -

asah diri utk jadi pembelajar, pencinta PAGI




Tuguran Kamis Putihku Malam Nanti

21 April 2011   14:59 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   06:33 399
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Hari ini - esok -Sabtu

Kamis Putih - Jum'at Agung - Malam Paskah

Tri hari suci atau Paschal triduum dimulai hari ini.

Setiap tahun memasukinya, selalu ada rasa haru-biru,

menoleh dan melihat jejak tapak di hari-hari lalu,

banyak berkalung debu -

lima tahun lalu menemani ibu di usai ibadat Kamis Putih

bersyukur bisa tuguran,

I love tuguran, it is a time when we contemplate ourself

hening - merenung-sekaligus berjaga "menemani" Yesus saat

ia berdoa di taman Getsemani.

Kontemplasi yang sepi pamrih dan dalam hati lagu ini bergema

-sekalipun kutahu tuguran tanpa lagu- dan ini untukku dan ibu,

21 April 2011


We remember how you loved us to Your death,
And still we celebrate for You are with us here.
And we believe that we will see You when you come in Your glory, Lord.
We remember, we celebrate, we believe!
Here, a million wounded souls
Are yearning just to touch you and be healed;
Gather all your people, and hold them to your heart.
Now we recreate you love,
We bring the bread and wine to share a meal;
Sign of grace and mercy, the Presence of the Lord.
Christ, the Father’s great “Amen”
To all the hopes and dreams of every heart;
Peace beyond all telling, and freedom from all fear.
See the face of Christ revealed in every person standing by your side.
Gift to one another and temples of Your love.

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