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Sefina Putri Liana
Sefina Putri Liana Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa S1 Ilmu Komunikasi UPN Veteran Jakarta

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5 Ways Conquering Anxiety In Public Speaking

11 Juni 2022   19:01 Diperbarui: 11 Juni 2022   19:45 187
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Public speaking skills are crucial. In fact, in all areas of our life, we are confronted with public speaking, whether in the form of lectures, presentations, moderator speeches, MC (Master of Ceremony), etc.

It is common for many people to feel anxious and afraid when speaking in public. Anxiety in public speaking is a form of feeling scared or worried when speaking in front of people.

Anxiety in public speaking can be influenced by various factors. Include the individual's perception or mindset, lack of individual experience, excessive surrounding demands, and achievement standards that are too high for their abilities. When the individual is affected, they will feel insecure and anxious. Public speaking anxiety can be visible in physical, mental, and emotional signs.

So, how to conquer anxiety when speaking in public?

1. Master The Topic.

By mastering the material or topic, a speaker will feel confident. Confidence is the key to public speaking, so the speakers will calmly deliver the words, in a direct way, and convincing manner.

2. Eliminate Negative Thoughts.

Get rid of the nonsense thoughts, take a deep breath, and tell yourself that the event will work out smoothly.

3. Think Positive.

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