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Stephanie Cheryl
Stephanie Cheryl Mohon Tunggu... Pelajar Sekolah - Pelajar

hi, nama gue Stephanie Cheryl Putri Winata dan gue biasa dipanggil Cheryl/Chei. Hobi gue itu tidur, masak, nyanyi, nari dan masi banyak lagi. hope u guys happy to know me! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o




Recognize about Panic Attack/Panic Disorder

18 November 2022   08:38 Diperbarui: 18 November 2022   11:25 130
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Regulating our breathing : Inhale-exhale slowly and repeatedly so that you feel more relaxed. Do the 4-7-8 breath technique. inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and exhale for 8 seconds.

Do the Butterfly Hug: The Butterfly Hug is a hug in which you cross your arms and stroke your forearms. It can help you be more relaxed

Doing grounding techniques, namely by focusing on avoiding negative memories or thoughts, for example by counting, paying attention to the surrounding environment, or thinking about calming things.

Calm yourself down by talking to yourself. By motivating ourselves, we will become calmer because we will believe in ourselves.

Spraying perfume or other fragrance that smells good can calm the mind. With a good smell, it will affect our minds and calm our hearts.

Consuming chocolate-containing food or drink. Chocolate is believed to make the heart happier, so by consuming foods that contain chocolate, it will make our hearts happier.

As for medical treatment, it can be by administering drugs, psychotherapy, or a combination of both, depending on the condition and severity experienced by the patient. 

Panic Disorder Prevention

Dealing with panic disorder can be done medically or independently. But there is no specific method for dealing with panic disorder, so we have to do it of our own accord. Some ways to prevent panic attacks that can be done independently include : doing some yoga and some pilates; limiting foods and drinks that contain caffeine, alcohol, or high sugar; coming to terms with the past and trauma; and stopping smoking.

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