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Sandrica Akacia
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For School 《 Differences Make Us Perfect 》




Congratulations (Summary + Story)

3 Agustus 2020   22:16 Diperbarui: 3 Agustus 2020   22:19 795
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By: Sandrica Akacia

Class IX, Chapter 1: Congratulation (Summary)

What Is Congratulation?

The meaning of Congratulation is the word that we say for other people, because they already achieve something that they wanted for a long time.

Example: Grace got a first place in a drawing competition. Max say congratulations for her, because she already try her best to win.

Do we Only use Congratulation When People Achieve Something?

The word Congratulation can be use in a different event, such as: New Year, Graduation, and more. So Congratulation can be use in any kind of event, not just for people achieve something.

Why Do We Need To Congratulate People?

First, when they win because try their best to win or to achieve something. We said Congratulation, so the people that we Congratulate will have more spirit to win again next time.

Second, when it's Graduation. We said Congratulation to other people, beacuse the people that we Congratulate have already study/work hard, so they can pass.


(Sorry if there is some mistake on my Grammar... And if there's some Typo...)


   Ted is an energetic person. He always accept challenges from his friends, and always participate in a school event/competition. One day, his school announced about Cycling Competition. And, of course, Ted is very excited to join. His friends also want him to join in that Competition, because they knew if Ted will win. Beacause of Ted friends support, he made a promise for his friends, if that he will win. It's 2 PM at noon. Schools already over, and Ted is at his house to practice cycling. Ted'shouse had a huge front yard, so he can cycling around his front yard. When he's still cycling, his neighbor ecounter him. His neighbor has a son named Ben, he's at the same age as Ted, and they're a close friends. "Hey, Ted!" Said Ben. "Hey there, Ben. What's up?" Ted replied. "I just walking around... Hey, what're you doing?" "Oh, I'm just practicing for the Cycling Competition at my school." Ted responded. "Whoa! My school said if we will have a Cycling Competition too, and they said if the Competition will be at your school!" Ben responded Ted with a happy voice. "Whoa! Really?" Ted is suprised for what Ben just said. "Yeah, really!" "I can't believe it! Are you participate in that competition?" "Of course!" They both talked about the Competition for an hour. "It's almost late, I need to go home. My Mum will be worried about me." "Okay." Ted replied. "Hey, do you want to practice cycling together tomorrow?" Ask Ben. "That's a good idea! Sure!" Ted replied happily. "I'll get you tomorrow at 2 PM, sounds good?" Ask Ben. "Okay!" "Okay then, see ya tomorrow!" Ben started to walk away from Ted's house. Ted is very excited about it. Ted put his bicycle in the garage, and told his mum that tomorrow he will be practice cycling with Ben. 

   The next day, it's 2 PM, and as promised, Ted and Ben go practice cycling together. They both race to the nearby park, and Ted win. "Haha! I win!" Ted said happily. "It's not fair you didn't said anything and then you said to race when you're cycling!" Ben replied with an angry face. "Haha! Sorry bud, it's just for fun." Ted walking towards Ben and offer his right hand. Ben is a little bit confused, and then Ted said "Friends?", when Ben heard that word, he instantly smile and shake Ted's hand. "Friends."And then they both laugh at the same time. They cycling around their neighborhood, they're talking with eachother while cycling. It's almost 5 PM, both of them stated cycling to their home. They said goodbye for eachother, and then cycle towards their home.

   The next day, The day of the Cycling Competition. "There's so many people here..." Ted said nervously. "Hey there, Ted!" Ted is suprised by his friend, Ben. "Your school is huge!" Said Ben to Ted. "Your school is not this big..?" "Nah, I think my school is like 60 percent of your school." "Really? I've never been to your school before, so I can't really imagine..." They both talked for about a couple hours. And since the Competition haven't started, Ted is showing Ben around his school. "Hey, Ted, which subject do you prefer?" Ask Ben curiously. "Hmm... I think my favourite subject is... probably Chemistry." Ted said with rubbing his chin. "Really...? You like to mixing chemicals?" "Yeah, it's fun." "I thought you will say P.E. beacause you seem energetic and sportsy... you know what I mean right..?" "Oh, I know what you mean. Honestly, I can't really choose... I like all kind of subject in my class, like English, Computer, Choir, Math..." "Wait, wait, wait, you like  Choir?" Ask Ben suprised. "Well, I can't really say, beacuse the teacher is really annoying..." Ted said with annoyed voice. "Really? Your Choir teacher is the annoying one, but My Spanish teacher is the annoying one in my school." "Oh, yeah?" "Yeah! The teacher speaking with english in the first day, and then started talking with Spanish the next day..." Said Ben with an annoyed voice. "Woah, I think I kinda know how that feel..." They both talked and then... "The Cycling Competition is abot to begin! For those who participate in this Competition please gather in front of the Race line! Once I repeat..." The announcement about the competition is about to begin, Ted and Ben started running to the Race line. A few minutes later... "Phew! We made it!" Said Ted. Ted and Ben are sweating beacuse they were running from inside of the school to the Race line. "Okay, All the participants! The bicycle that all of you will be using, there's a name attach to it! So please check the name before you using it!" Ted and Ben separately search a bicycle with their name on it. Ted found his bicycle, Ted is on lane number 7. (I heard if 7 brings you a good luck...) Ted thinks if that number 7 bring a good luck, but he doubt it. (I'll win with my own power!) He know if that he will win without a luck, because he know if that he will win. When Ted looks around, Ted noticed if that Ben is at lane number 3. (So far...) Ted thinking about how far his distance between him and Ben. And then Ben noticed Ted appearance, and then give him a look and move his lips. (...? What is he saying...?) Ben said it without his voice, and then Ted realize, if that Ben tell him "Good Luck" and then Ben started smiling and then focusing on the Race track. (... Thanks Buddy...) Ted wanted to say that to Ben but he can't, beacuse Ben eyes are focusing on the track, not at Ted. (I wish you a good luck too, Ben!) Ted wishes Ben good luck, too, but without Ben knowing it. And then "BANG--!!!" The P.E. teacher who is in charge in coaching all of the participants fire the gun at the air. All the participants started cycling. Ted is at the first place, and the number 5 and 4 is behind him. (I'll win!!!) Ted always repeating that word. "Look at all of these participants! They all looks so eager! All of them is rushing towards the finish line, but before that the participants should going in over of the race track 3 times, before that count as a finish! GO! GO! ALL OF YOU!!!" The Announcer giving all the participants a support, and all of the audience clapping and shouting the participants name. "GO! GO! TED!!!" Ted heard all of his classmate are shouting his name. (I won't let them down!!!) Ted started to cycling really fast, he's still in the first place, and the racer number 5 and 4 still chasing after him. (I know if Ted is a good cycler! He will get the first place! But I won't lose too!) Ben don't want to let all of the practice with Ted is for nothing, he started to cycling really fast, and he catch up to the number 4 and 5. But Ben didn't care, he's cycling towards the end line. (1 round, 2 more round to go!) Ted already finish the first round, and he's at his second round. A few minutes pass... And Ted, the number 4 and 5, and Ben are on their third round. (I can make it!!!) Ted is sweating, and panthing beacuse he almost forgot to breathe while cycling. (Haah--Haah--Haah... I won't lose! C'mon Ben you can do this!) Ben is giving himself some support, beacuse he is tired from all of this cycling. "All of the participants are rushing to the finish line! Look at all of them! They're sweating, and panthing! When they finish all of this they finally can drink some water, you what I mean... Stay hydrated folks!" The announcer is giving some motivation to the participants. (Almost there! Water!!!!) Ted is really dehydrated and really want to drink some water. (H2O! Come to papa!!!) Ted is giving himself motivation as well so he can cycling unil the end, and then he realize if that Ben is behind him. Ben is at the second place. Ted is smiling and thinking if that he won't lose. (I will catch up with him!) Ben is motivate himself by saying if that he will catch up to Ted and won't left behind. Ben is still cycling and then all of the sudden... "KRAK---!!!" "What the--!!!" "Crash!!!" Ben fall from his bicycle, his knee is injured, his eyes falling some tears. "Oww! My knee hurts!!!" Everyone is cycling towards Ben, and then Ted realize if that his friend is injured. The P.E. teacher is struggle to help Ben, but he can't, because he's scared for closing the road for other participants. Ted saw Ben's knee is bleeding, and then he stopped to cycle. (Ben!) Ted started to cycle towards where Ben fall. "Hey! Ben! Are you okay?" Ted is really scared, because he doesn't want to lose his close friend. "I'm not okay, my knee is bleeding znd it hurts so bad..." Ben is holding his tears from falling, but he can't. Ben bursted out his tears, and then Ted say "Don't cry, okay. Let's get out from  the race track first." Ted offer Ben his hand, and Ben take Ted hand. Ted is accompanying Ben to get out from the race track. The P.E. teacher is so relieved that there's someone helped Ben, the P.E. teacher rushed to Ted and Ben. "Ted, thank you for helping Ben. It was my job to carry him, but I'm scared if that I will closing the road for the other participants." The P.E. teacher explain why he didn't helped Ben, and then Ted say "I understand, sir, now please help him." The P.E. teacher started to carry Ben to the nurses office. 

   "How you feeling?" The nurse asked Ben about how his knee feel right now, because the nurse already patch his knee up. "A little bit better, thank you, miss." The nurse is relieved after hearing Ben's respond. Ted and the P.E. teacher is talking outside the nurses office. They're talking about what happen to Ben, why he fall. "I think there's something wrong with the bicycle... Because there's no way if there are other participants who wanted to injured him... right?" "I think so, but we still don't know right...?" They both is concern about what happened. "Well, I need to go outside and watching those kids racing. I don't want theb samething happen twice." The P.E. teacher started to walking towards the race track. "Keep an eye on Ben okay?" The P.E. teacher wanted Ted to watching Ben. "Okay, I will." Ted started to walking inside the nurses office. "He didin't lose too much blood, so he must be okay. But I think you need to talk to him, because he seem sad..." The nurse is worrying about Ben condition, and want Ted to talk with him, so Ben can feel much better. "I'll try, thank you." Ted responded with relieve because Ben injury wasn't so bad. Ted started to walking towards Ben. "Hey there, Bud." Ted said softly. "Hey, Ted..." Ben respond with a weak voice. "How's your knee..?" "It's better now..." Ben wasn't looking at Ted's face, Ted's is even more worried because Ted thinks if that he did something wrong. "I'm sorry..." all of the sudden Ben saying sorry for Ted. "What? For what..?" Ted is confused by what Ben just said. "You can get the first place, but I ruin your chance to win..." Ted realize what Ben is thinking, Ben is thinking if that he already ruined Ted chance to win in that competition, and Ben is blaming himself for that. "I know if sorry isn't enough, you can slap me for that if you want... I don't mind..." "Wh-Wha?! What the hell, Ben?! Why do I need to slap you? You didn't do anything wrong..." Ted is responded with an angry voice. "You're wrong, I did something wrong... You lose your cahnce of winning because of me, why...? You can just leave me and finish the race first." Ben is finally looking at Ted's face, and then Ted respond "I can't just leave you alone on the race track! You're my friend, and what if your bleeding is really big and you lose too much blood? You can die!" Ted is gasping by what he just said, and Ben is suprised by what Ted just said. "I-I didn't mean to say that! I'm sorry." Ted is even more worried now, because he already said something that he shouldn't say. "No..." All of the sudden Ben respond, and the stand up with his injuried knee, and then say "You're right, I should be grateful by your help... But I told you to beat me, and want you to blame me for everything that is happening... I'm sorry, Ted... I was being stupid..." There's silence for a moment, and then Ted knock Ben's head "Ouch!" Ben is a little bit confused, why Ted knock his head gently. "Stupid..!" Ted say that word with smile in his face, Ben is suprised by what Ted just said. But, Ben smiles back. 

   A few minutes pass... "Hey, let's go outside and see the race." Ben wanted to see the Cycling race as an audience not as the participants, and then Ted respond "It's fine, but are you sure you can walk..? Your injury hasn't recover yet." Ted is worried about Ben's knee and afraid if that he'll just make the injury even worse. "I'm fine! Look!" Suddenly, Ben stands up. "Aw!" And then Ben sit's down again. "See, your knee is still hurt. You'll just make the injury even worse if you walk." "Ugh..." Ben is pouting because Ted didn't let him go outside and watch the race. "Hi, boys!" The nurse came in to the room. "How your knee is doing, Ben?" The nurses ask as she sits down beside Ben. "It's much more better now, thanks." "Glad to hear that... Is there something that you wanted to do?" The nurses ask Ben with a soft voice. "There is, but Ted won't let me..." Ben responded with his face pouting. "Hey! It's for your own best!" Ted responded with a worried and angry voice. "Okay, okay, so Ben what is it?" The nurse is concern about what Ben want to do. "I just wanted to go outside and watch the race..." Ben is answering with looking at the nurse's face. "Ah, I see..." The nurse suddenly stand up and walking towards some cabinet. "What are you searching, miss?" Ted asks the nurse, bacause The nurse seem struggle with something. "Ah! It's here!" Suddenly The nurse is walking towards Ben. "Here, Ben." The nurse is handing him a crutches. "What is this..?" Ben doesn't know what the nurse is handing him. "This is crutches, this thing can help you walk." The nurse is helping Ben to stand up with crutches. "W-Woah... It feels weird to walking like this..." Ben is impressed, because the thing that called crutches can help him to stand and walk. "Your knee isn't really hurt right?" The nurse ask Ben just to make sure if the crutches help him walk. "Yeah, I can walk!" The nurse sighing with relieve, and Ben is really hapoy because he can walk. "Are you sure this is okay, miss?" Ted ask The nurse again, because he still worried about Ben's knee. "Yup, don't worry, you can help him walk too. He's still struggle to balance with that thing." "Okay, I understand." Ted can't help his worry about Ben's injury, because he dospesn't want his knee to get even worse. "Let's go Ted!" Ben is waiting in front of the nurse's office door, "I'm coming!" Ted is walking towards Ben. "Thank you again, miss!" Ted and Ben thank The nurse again before they leave. "You're welcome, you two have fun~" The nurse is waving her hand as she talked, and they both wave back at her.

   A few moments later... "Woah--!!! WHAT IN THE WORLD?!" "What?!" Ted and Ben are in front the school front door when suddenly they both hear The P.E. teacher is shouting at the announcement speaker. "Isn't that... The P.E. teacher..?" Ben recognize the voice, and then Ted respond "Y-Yeah! That's his voice... What is happening..?" "Let's go check it out." Ted and Ben are worried about what is happening, and then suddenly..."YOU DID WHAT?! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!" They both hear the P.E. teacher shouting again, they started to rush towards where the P.E. teacher are. A few minutes later, they finally found where the P.E. teacher are, suddenly... "YOU'RE DISCUALIFIED!!!" Ted and Ben are gasping when they hear what The P.E. Teacher just said. "GET OUT FROM MY SIGHT!!!" Ted and Ben sre really shocked by what The P.E. Teacher just said, because they never thought if the P.E. Teacher would say such a harsh thing to other, even a student. The boy that the P.E. Teacher shout at run away from the race track. And then all of the sudden the P.E. teacher noticed that Ted and Ben were there the whole time. "Hey, uh... Sorry, you guys need to see that..." The P.E. teacher is walking towards Ted and Ben. "What happen?" Ted ask, and then one kid say "That boy, who Mr. Lee shouted at is cheating during the race." Ted, Ben, and the P.E. teacher looked at the kid who say that, and then Ted realize if that he's one of the race participants. He's the number 4. "You're one of the participants." Ben suddenly say that to the kid. "Hey, your name is Ben correct?" The kid know Ben's name, and then Ben respond "Yeah, I'm Ben. How did you know my name?" "My name is Joseph, I heard Mr. Lee said if the injury kid named Ben, and you're injured and you're one of the participants as well." "I see..." Ben and the kid named Joseph talked for a while, and then suddenly, Ted ask "You said if that kid who ran away is cheating... What is he doing?" The P.E. teacher sighing and then started to explain, "That kid was the number 5, and he's the one who is responsibe for Ben injury." "Wait--What?!" Ben is suprised by what the P.E. Teacher just said, and the P.E. teacher continue his explaination "Yeah, when you're on the second place, that kid is throwing some kind of marble to your bicycle tire, and because of that you lose your balance and fall..." "I know if I heard something, but it was the marble who hit my bicycle tire?! But... Why though..? I didn't even know that kid..!" Ben's face started to sweating, and then Joseph say "It's because he's a jerk, and he want to do anything so he can win..." "Wait... You know that kid?" Ted ask, "Yeah, he's one of my classmate, his name is Zach, he's the top jerk at my school. He thinks that he can do anything because his dad is a rich man..." Joseph answer Ted's question honestly, and then Joseph say, "I'm sorry I didn't help you, Ben. I know if this gonna happen, but I just leave you... I'm sorry." "Why didn't you help him?" Ted ask Joseph again, and then the P.E. Teacher say "It's because Zach threat him to keep his mouth shut, and don't tell anybody if he's the one who done it." "That's true. But, I can't take it anymore, I don't want to live behin peoples threat, I want to stand up for myself and I told Mr. Lee about it." Ted and Ben are starting to understand what is happenning, and then alk of the sudden, "And, Ted... This is for you...." Joseph is handing Ted a trophy, it's the Cycling Competition trophy. "W-Wait, what?! For me?!" Ted is confused,"Why..? I didn't even finish the race..." and then Joseph respond, "But, your're close right? You almost finish it, but suddenly you heard your friend is screaming for help, and you go help him instead of finishing the race, you're the True winner, Ted. Not me." Joseph is forcing Ted to accept the trophy, and then form behind Ted, Ben put his hand on Ted's shoulder and said, "Accept it, Ted. You deserve it." Ted is looking at Ben's face, and then the P.E. teacher said, "Yeah, please take it, Ted. You deserve it." Ted looking around him and he didn't say anything. And then Ted finally accept the trophy. "O-Okay, I'll accept it!" Ted's face is a little bit red and he's trying to cover it, when all of the sudden his classmates are shouting at Ted, "Congratulations, Ted!!! We know we can count on you!" All of Ted's clasmates are surrounding him and started to pick gim up, and then throw him in the air. "WAAH---!!!" Ted is screaming and then one of his classmate say, "For Ted! Hip-Hip--" "HOORAY!!!" Ted is really happy and Ben is really hapoy for Ted too.

Nothing is more important than friendship

Friendship is not an Object like Trophy, Friendship is Something that You Build with Someone that you know and Nothing can Replace it.

By: Sandrica Akacia


Thank You for Reading!

I really appriciate it ^^

Thank you for sparing your time with reading this...

Once again Thank You!


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