Sebagai akademisi Hubungan Internasional, saya memiliki pendapat bahwa Perang dunia 3 tidak akan terjadi, setidaknya dalam waktu dekat. Beberapa alasannya adalah sebagai berikut.
1. Iran is alone. Majors power in the world have given statement they will not take involved in the war area.
2. China and Russia will not give a cake for Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and the price is too high for the winter session.
3. Israel is yelling for Trump's circus last night. However, NATO is only watching will not take to participate, even Saudi.
Energy security?
Oil is increasing by 4% per barrel. Israel, Cyprus and Greek just agreed to supply energy for European Countries. The market will respond soon and cooling down for its self.
Nuclear Warfare?
Iran is not ready for new drama. Back to the P5+1 Nuclear Program of Iran and The IAEA investigation. Russia is enjoying to show Avangard (hypersonic glide vehicle), but not for Rouhani, at least not for today. Trump is drinking hot chocolate, but if he would be drunk, maybe he will press the red bottom.
What is next?
Iran is preparing to give a fire back to all Americans in the Middle East, not only military objects but also civilians, including using their proxies Hezbollah, Houthi etc.
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