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Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga with Jenni

23 Agustus 2023   14:12 Diperbarui: 23 Agustus 2023   14:19 227
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Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga with Jenni

Yoga is the stilling of all activities of the mind

Yoga is therefore neither religion nor sport, but a holistic exercise system to achieve mental health, in which the body is involved. It is the longing of the practitioners to achieve a form of mental peace and clarity, physical strength and balance. But more importantly, "Yoga is only 1% theory and 99% practice" so allow yourself to try and experience yoga, because no matter what you may read, you will only understand it when you practice it.

What kind of yoga do I teach?

The yoga that I love and currently teach consists of a combination of "Classic Yoga / Hatha Yoga" and "Vinyasa Yoga". In my yoga class we flow together through different yoga sequences, connecting breath and movements and creating a calmness within ourselves.

  • You will find a balance between Yin and Yang
  • You will strengthen your body and build up stability and security within yourself.
  • Moreover, you will learn to let go, to be in the moment and to promote the flexibility of your body.

Here you will find the time to challenge yourself and to calm down. No matter, whether you are a beginner or an advanced Yogi, with me you will find a space to unfold, a space to be, a space to grow.

What is my why?

We live in a time where we have forgotten how to be in touch with ourselves, with our true nature. Instead, we often feel lost, don't know exactly what to do with ourselves and have thousands of unanswered questions. But instead of looking within and finding an answer to the questions, we flee further and further out into the world, getting lost in the labyrinth of uncertainty. 

I was in this situation for a long time, lost out in the world, searching for meaning, searching for answers to all the questions I had. And then, through yoga, I was able to take the first step out of the labyrinth, back to myself. I was able to see, learn, recognize and understand so much more. And I have realized that there is so much more than what I could ever imagine at the beginning of my journey.

Now, as a yoga teacher and coach, I can support people to rebuild this contact with their true self and to get in touch with their true nature. In my yoga classes, the students get a space full of opportunities to reconnect, feel and see themselves more through movement, breathing and mediation. Everyone is able to be as they are and show themselves without a mask, because they know they are being embraced with love.

I wouldn't say that yoga is the answer to every question that we may have in our hearts right now. But it is a way to connect deeper with ourselves and to learn, to hear our inner voice again and see where we are capable of going. So my why is to spread so much love, understanding, abundance, ease and joy in this world. I want to bring yoga and spirituality further and give people a chance to see that abundance, love, ease and joy in their own beings again.

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