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Best Beginner Surf Spot in Bali | Samasama Surf Bali

9 Agustus 2023   18:46 Diperbarui: 9 Agustus 2023   18:58 199
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Surf Spot The Legendary Kuta

For those keen to be in the thick of the action, Kuta is the place to be. This buzzing beach essentially forms the heart of Bali's surfing culture, and is undoubtedly the place where you'll find most of the island's surfers. Plus, there are plenty of surfing schools appropriate for the beginners to choose from in the vicinity

While the beach can get pretty busy, particularly during peak season, the waves actually provide ideal conditions for beginners to have a go. As the currents here can get pretty strong, it's advisable to surf when the water is gentler. Don't worry --- your surf school will be able to provide expert local knowledge on this.

Samasama Surf Bali is the ideal place to pick up some lessons. The team of instructors here know their job, and will be able to guide you on everything from the absolute basics (keeping the board afloat, paddling, sitting, standing etc.) to locating your centre of gravity as you start to glide along the waves. Likewise, if you've got some experience but feel that you'd benefit from a refresher course, Samasama Surf Bali also offers intermediate level lessons.

Away From Crowded

Positioned far away from the hustle and bustle of the crowds populating Kuta Beach, Medewi Beach enjoys a serene spot on the Bali's southwest coast. It's a couple of hours' drive to the northwest of Kuta, and provides a friendly, laid-back destination for those learning the ropes. Medewi is known for its smooth left-hander swell, and the glorious 30-second long waves that can really help you build up your balance and turning skills. The waves here tend to range from four to six feet, with light winds ideal for surfing at their best in the early morning. Medewi is also a wonderful place to grab a bite at one of the local seafood places once your day out on the waves is done.

Nestled in a stunning position, enveloped by rice paddies, coconut hills and the serene Indian Ocean, Samasama Surf Bali is the place to go for surfing guidance in Medewi. The guides here know all of the best local surf spots, and can take you to as many as 15 positions, depending on what current conditions are. So, you can look forward to an eclectic selection of reef breaks, beach breaks, plus right and left handers.

Everyone's Surf Spot in Bali

Favoured by locals and international visitors alike, Echo Beach has something for everyone, and it might be considered as one of the best beginner surf spots in Bali. Stretching away from Seminyak, a small rocky precipice hides the sandy beach from the road and parking area. But, as the stretch of white sand unfurls before your eyes, you'll know that you've hit upon the perfect place for a surfing session.

A consistent swell and a flat rock bed provide the optimum, mellow conditions for beginners, with waves ranging up to six feet in height. Once again, absolute beginners should probably avoid some of the taller waves, as there are no lifeguards patrolling this particular stretch of coastline. Plus, some of the larger waves are better-suited to intermediate level surfers with a bit more experience. Once sunset has cast its peachy pink hues across the sky, a plethora of food and drink stalls open up, creating a lively atmosphere to soak up with your chilled bottle of Bintang.

Bali Local Surf School in Canggu is the place to go if you're on the lookout for lessons in this region. Instructors here are skilled in helping you build up your skills base, step by step, enabling you to take on the waves once you've mastered the basics.

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