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Salwa Aulia
Salwa Aulia Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswi Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Bengkulu

Law Student Collage, University of Bengkulu




Legal Protection for Teachers: Between "HOPE AND REALITY"

21 November 2024   17:50 Diperbarui: 21 November 2024   17:58 111
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Ilustration Legal Protection for Teachers in Indonesia: HOPE VS REALITY  (Source:

In addition to legal ambiguities, another major issue is the physical and psychological violence teachers frequently endure from students, parents, or the community. Although Law No. 23 of 2004 on the Elimination of Domestic Violence and Law No. 35 of 2014 on Child Protection provide legal grounds for protection against violence, their implementation is still far from sufficient for teachers. 


A Teacher Protection Act would serve as a foundation for creating a fair and equitable environment for educators. This law would detail teachers’ rights and responsibilities and establish standards for protecting their rights. It could also provide legal assistance to teachers accused or sued in connection with their professional duties, shielding them from arbitrary disciplinary actions. 

Furthermore, such a law could address cases where teachers face threats or violence from students, parents, or the community by imposing sanctions on such actions. The Teacher Protection Act would ensure a more balanced approach to resolving conflicts between teachers and students without compromising teachers’ reputations or careers. 

Implementing a Teacher Protection Act would not only resolve individual issues but also enhance the quality of education nationwide. When teachers feel secure and supported, they can focus more on student development and contribute effectively to the teaching and learning process. Legal certainty for teachers will reinforce their professional and moral integrity, ultimately improving their interactions with students and commitment to education. For students, this means learning under the guidance of more stable and confident educators, creating a conducive learning environment. 

Writer: Salwa Aulia, Law  Student

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