Comparison case cancel culture in Indonesia
Meanwhile, Satria Mahatir who is a well-known influencer in Indonesia has many cases that violate norms. One example of a case is when he was the perpetrator of one of the persecution of a child of the Kepri DPRD, Satria Mahatir was clearly involved and guilty in the case, The suspects were also charged with article 170 of the Criminal Code, which carries a maximum imprisonment of 5 years and 6 months. However, in the end Satria Mahatir was only imprisoned for 13 days because both parties agreed to reconcile. After Satria Mahatir left prison, he did not receive cancel culture treatment at all, instead Satria Mahatir was invited to many Youtube Podcasts. Although Satria Mahatir received a lot of blasphemy from netizens on social media, it all did not affect Satria Mahatir's career which continued to soar. This reflects how the entertainment world in Indonesia has not been able to apply cancel culture perfectly, unlike South Korea which has successfully applied cancel culture to problematic public figures such as Song Ha-yoon.
Positive Impact
Looking at the case of South Korea, which has implemented cancel culture, of course cancel culture has various positive impacts, one of which is as a means of social control in society. Social control theory regulates behavior through norms, rules, laws, and social structures. The cancel culture phenomenon also regulates behavior on social media, which has a strong amplification power to spread issues quickly and widely (Ng, 2020). Cancel culture also makes public figures such as celebrities, politicians, and influencers more careful in producing and publishing content, so as not to offend certain parties. If they are not careful,they risk losing followers, reputation, or even careers, according to Kirkwood et al. (2019), which states that online reputation can be jeopardized if expectations and norms are violated. In addition, cancel culture is effective in dispelling negative behaviors such as racism, sexism, and violence. For example, when celebrity Gofar Hilman was involved in a sexual harassment case, the cancel culture movement emerged as a form of public response to the offense, warning others to avoid similar actions (Kusumaningtyas, 2021). Therefore, we think it is important to implement cancel culture in Indonesia.
In Indonesia, although cancel culture has not been fully implemented as effectively as in South Korea, this phenomenon still has the potential to create a more positive social media environment. With cancel culture, people can be more careful in their behavior and communication, and reduce negative actions such as racism, sexism, and violence. Therefore, it is important to continue discussing and implementing cancel culture in Indonesia so that it can serve as an effective social control and create a safer and more inclusive digital space for all users
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