Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa matematika merupakan salah satu jenis pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan untuk mengajar dan mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir logis pada siswa yang menguasai komputer. Dalam kursus ini, Anda akan belajar cara menggunakan komputer dan cara berpikir kritis tentang komputer, serta cara menggunakan komputer dan cara berpikir matematis.
Kata kunci: pembelajaran komputasi, komputasi hijau, berpikir komputasional, kritis, matematika, revolusi industri..
abstract :
This literature review focuses on the use of cutting-edge computer technology in mathematics education, as well as the methods for implementing it. The research spans the years 2011 to 2015, and its goal is to demonstrate that the goals of computer technology education extend beyond the classroom and into the classrooms of all levels of education.Â
In its entirety, inti (core) is a management framework for managing the day-to-day operations of green cloud computing technology, which includes aspects such as power management, cooling, and energy management, all of which are carried out with a variety of practical, logical, and rational approaches.Â
Implement human-centered standards for everything from speech to writing to conduct in the face of far-reaching technological advancements. The purpose of this research is to provide a study of the process of calculating a mathematical formula using a computer. Kepustakaan penelitian is used in this study. The information that was obtained was published in an academic journal as an article of original research. Analyzing data consists of three steps: calculating, synthesizing, and identifying.
 The results of the analysis show that matematika is a kind of learning that may be used to teach and develop the ability to think logically in a computer-savvy student.In this course, you will learn how to use computers and how to think critically about computers, as well as how to use computers and how to think mathematically..Â
Keywords: computational learning, green computing, computational thinking, critical, mathematics, industrial revolution..
Secara umum, 'high-density computing' atau 'high-density computing' mempelajari prinsip dan teori yang mendasari desain dan implementasi sistem operasi, aplikasi, dan teknologi komputasi tertentu pada fasilitas penyimpanan data jarak jauh (server) yang berkemampuan tinggi. kepadatan dan, oleh karena itu, kepadatan tinggi.Â
Desain dan pengembangan perangkat keras, perangkat lunak, dan perangkat otak manusia, serta keterkaitannya, merupakan pendekatan holistik untuk ilmu komputer. Manajemen sumber daya, seperti penyedia layanan komputasi berbasis cloud, maraknya program pembelajaran berbasis komputer yang hanya berfokus pada teknologi komputasi awan dan implikasinya di bidang lain, seperti hukum dan kedokteran.Â