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Said Daffa Alfarel
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Mahasiswa Kampus UTY (Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta)




Espionage Australia to Indonesia

23 Januari 2024   13:51 Diperbarui: 23 Januari 2024   14:08 65
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During the era of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, an espionage incident occurred which became hot news in the mass media, when Edward Snowden also included the names of several Indonesian officials who were victims of wiretapping in Asia carried out by SIGINT, especially Australia. At that time, President SBY (Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono) became upset after finding out that his cellphone had been tapped by the Australian Intelligence Agency. The news about the case carried out by Australia against several officials in Indonesia raises questions on what basis Indonesia is responding to this case. Reported by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, in 2013, Indonesia expressed disappointment with Australia regarding the wiretapping case and asked for an official explanation and response from Australia.

Indonesia took several steps in response to this wiretapping action. First, Indonesia asked for official clarification and clarity from Australia, secondly, the Indonesian government protested by stopping and rethinking a number of bilateral collaborations with Australia for the time being until there was a clear response and confidence that there would be no eavesdropping on the state's interest-bearing guards.

Even though Indonesia showed disappointment regarding the wiretapping action carried out by Australia and Indonesia as the parties that decided on a number of collaborations, Indonesia was the first to contact Australia after the disclosure of this case. The documents were complicated, in large part because the leaked material was a slide presentation, marked top secret, from the Defence Signals Directorate -- now the Australian Signals Directorate -- and the Department of Defence. It was clearly highly sensitive but also hard to understand. 

"We did actually go to the security agencies ahead of publication to make sure that we weren't inadvertently revealing something that would put someone in danger," Taylor says. "We needed to be clear about what we were doing. Without going into private conversations, it's fair to say they would have preferred we didn't publish it at all ... but that wasn't the question we were asking. "We were asking whether there were any unforeseen consequences to publication that we might not be aware of and, when we had those conversations and agreed the terms of collaboration with the ABC, we went ahead and published."

National Security Theory

According to Edy Prasetyono, national security is a government political policy which aims to uphold a safe and conducive situation for the administration of government so that it is able to maintain vital national goals from all disturbances and threats (Muhammad, 2017). National security does not only cover state security but also emphasizes the security of individuals and society in a country. Australia's espionage against several important people in Indonesia could threaten Indonesia's security. Edward Snowden leaked one of the secret documents belonging to the Australian Ministry of Defense (Department of Defense) by tapping the cellphones of the Indonesian President at the time, namely Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and several important people in Indonesia. This wiretapping can be used by Australia to obtain confidential information from Indonesia, including information related to national defense and security. This confidential information can be used by Australia to harm Indonesia, either directly or indirect. In international law, espionage committed by one country against another in the form of wiretapping is a form of violation of international law and can disrupt relations between the two countries concerned. In this case, Australia had wiretapped Indonesian executive officials such as the President and his deputy in 2013. The action caused the intensity of the relationship between Indonesia and Australia to heat up. In this case, the geographical proximity between Indonesia and Australia causes the two countries to need each other, especially in dealing with cross-border crimes involving the two countries. This research intends to find out how the influence of Australia's wiretapping actions in Indonesia to the bilateral cooperation in handling transnational crimes. This research will use Butler's conflict management theory to examine the resolution of the conflict and how the resolution affects the cooperation between the two countries. From this research, it is known that the actions taken by Australia made the relationship between Indonesia and Australia tense. This was followed by the termination of bilateral cooperation projects between Indonesia and Australia. One of the areas of discontinued cooperation is cooperation in combating transnational crimes between the Indonesian National Police (Polri) and the AFP. This situation will create a loophole for perpetrators of cross-border crimes in carrying out their actions between the two countries, one of the most vulnerable transnational crimes is related to people smuggling. This affects the maritime security sector between the two which must be anticipated immediately. security theory is contemporary security apart from External security, Internal Security and Environmental Security in the book Cyber Politics in International Relations.11 is a collection of tools, policies, concepts security, security protection, guidelines, risk management approaches, actions, training, best practices, warranties and technology that can be used to protect cyber environment and organizational and user assets. Deep user organizations and assets cyber-security including connected computing devices, personnel, infrastructure,applications, services, telecommunications systems and the totality of information transmitted and/or stored in a virtual environment. Cyber-security is also an effort to ensuring the achievement and maintenance of the security properties of the organization and user assets to relevant security risks in the cyber environment. 12 Efforts to increase cyber security carried out by the state are wrong an effort related to the aim of maintaining national security. That matter because state defense and security policies and strategies are dynamic and can change following developments in potential global phenomena and issues become a national threat. Specifically, cyber security has now begun to become attention and security strategies of countries in the world. Security strategy changes countries that are entering cyberspace due to its increasing development and expansion cyber crime by utilizing developments in information technology and current communications. This is also because in several sectors, the country has uses the internet network as the basis of its control so that it will become Weaknesses if there are no policies related to cyber security that protect them.

Perkenalkan nama saya adalah Said Daffa Alfarel, saat ini saya sedang menempuh pendidikan di Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta program studi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Angkatan tahun 2022. Alasan saya memilih Program Studi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional karena saya memiliki minat dalam ilmu politik global, teori hubungan internasional, serta ingin mengasah skill analisis dan publc speaking. Dosen favorite saya adalah Ibu Lucy, Ibu Tiffany, dan Bapak Ridho. Rencana pemilihan konsentrasi jurusan HI, saya ingin mengambil konsentrasi publik karena saya lebih tertarik dengan materi yang berkaitan erat dengan politik, publik, analisis konflik dan perang, serta memiliki pemahaman teori hubungan internasional yang baik.

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