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Safitry Wahyuni
Safitry Wahyuni Mohon Tunggu... Penulis - English Teacher

A English teacher and a novice writer




Wishy Washy Park# Half of Heart

29 Desember 2011   14:42 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   21:36 56
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Wishy washy gate was closed

Wishy washy door was sealed

But can't bear the taps on the door

Can't stand the whispers behind the wall


I do open it some time

Just to breath the fresh air

Just peep the rainbow through the wall hole

Need to feel the sunshine

Stared by the majestic swan

Gazed by the friendly dog

Just for a while

Just for a while


Wishy washy park is calling

Waving its strong hands

Should I sit back on the bench?

Do I have to stand beneath the sun?

Yes, I'd love to

But no, thank you

Still love the park

Though can't bear the dark

Do need the dark

Though half of heart


Let me open it

Let me in

Let me close it

Then let me out

Wishy washy of me is still here

Wishy washy park does hear...

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
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