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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Top 4 Best Websites For Searching Historical Manuscript

5 Januari 2024   14:13 Diperbarui: 5 Januari 2024   14:34 104
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For writing historical content, I used some manuscript from several websites. Why? Because I use autenthically source for comparison for my content. And, I also saw  the journal who writing by government officer or lecturers. Today, I will spill, several websites that I use for searching manuscript and journal. Read this article until end, because is important for who want write historical contents.


Berkala Arkeologi (

In this website, we can find several manuscript  about Majapahit Empire, Sunda Empire, and Indonesian Archaeology. Is High recommended, because the manuscript ( journal ) written by competent archaeologist and historians, example MR. Agus Aris Munandar and other.  Journals are complete and can you use as refrences in your article or school /college duty.

2.Kemdikbud. -- Blog Tutorial dan Edukasi

It is Government Website who  provides several old manuscript about history and classic literatures. In this website, I find several manuscript including Pustaka Rajya Rajya I Bhumi Nusantara ( written by Prince Wangsakerta Of Cirebon and editing by Prof.DR.Ayatrohaedi), Pustaka Rajya Rajya is a classic historical chronichle containing History of the Kings At Archipelago and   ruler s change at Java and Sumatra.

Also, I find the manuscript of Babad Pajajaran in 2 volume. Babad Pajajaran is historical fiction literature that written by anonymous writter in 19 th century, volume 1 containing story the kings 0f Pajajaran kingdom ( now West Java, Jakarta, and Banten) start from Prabu Ciung Wanara to Prabu Siliwangi. And volume 2 containing the adventure of Guru Gatangan, son of Prabu Siliwangi. But, it is not historical chronichles, if you want to read historical chronichles about Kingdom Of Pajajaran, you can refer to Purwaka Caruban Nagari ( Written by Prince Arya Of Cirebon) and Nagarakretabhumi ( Written by Prince Wangsakerta Of Cirebon).

3. Journal Of Amerta.

Amerta: jurnal penelitian dan pengembangan arkeologi - Repositori Institusi Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (

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