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How Muslims Entered France? History Analyzer

27 Desember 2023   10:43 Diperbarui: 27 Desember 2023   11:02 113
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France, is the one of countries in Europe which is a lot Muslims here. And in this episode, we will discuss, how Muslims entered France? And why we not hear Islamic states in France? Lets search it. Read this article until end.

According the account of Hugh Kennedy, after Conquest Of the Spain, Muslims entered France for military expedition.  In 721, Muslim Emir in Spain lead an army to Aquitane, France. According the account from DR.Abdurrahman Rafat Basya, An Emir is As-Samh Ibn Malik al-Khaulani, As-Samh lead troops to conquest The City of Aquitane, but  Duke Of Aquitane defeat him in the battle of Rhone. And, Samh achieved  martyrdom.

But, after this, As Samh replaced by other commander. Yes, he is Abdurrahman Al-Ghafiqi, Abdurrahman Al-Ghafiqi prepared an strong army to break trough to France. Abdurrahman have a big dream, he want conquer France, Italy, and German. He replaced Samh position, Emir Of Spain. And he govern justly. Abdurrahman also build a bridge in Cordoba, a capital of Islamic Governor Of Spain ( Andalus)

Before conquer France, Abdurrahman first punish a traitor, Utsman Ibn Abu Nusah with death punishment. Why? Because Utsman Ibn Abi Nusah allied with Duke Of Aquitane for thwart Islamic Spreach In France.

After this, Abdurrahman lead an big army which consist of Persians, Egyptians, Arabics, Berbers, and Romans Warriors.  Persians, Berbers, Romans, and Egyptians are Mualaf ( convert to Islam) and join Muslim Army for Jihad Fisabilillah.

Abdurrahman moved with strong army from North of Spain and attack south of France,  Abdurrahman conquer  many cities in the France, including Arles, Bordeaux, Lyon, and Besancon. Muslim Army destroyed Army Of France led by Duke Of Aquitane.

In 25 October 732 CE, The King Of France, Charles Martel compille giant army from the European Knights and blocking Abdurrahman and his troops at Poitiers, battle broke in the city of Poitiers. The battle broke for several days, in day 8 from the battle, France army sacked the Muslim camps which contains many  valuables, Muslims Army panic and  running  undirection. Abdurrahman killed as martyr and battle ended with Muslim s lost. Muslims Army retreat to Spain.

We know, why not hear Islamic states in France. Because Muslims Army retreat from the battle in the France, but I ever read the Small Islamic States in France. Ok, we will discuss it  later.


Basya, DR.Abdurrahman Rafat: Para Tabiin, Penerbit Darul Haq, 2016 M.

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