Daftar Pustaka:
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Lassauce, H., O. Chateau, M. V. Erdmann, L. Wantiez. 2020. Diving behavior of the reef manta ray (Mobula alfredi) in New Caledonia: More frequent and deeper night-time diving to 672 meters. PLOS ONE: 11 hlm.
Nicholson-Jack, A. E., J. L. Harris, K. Ballard, K. M. E. Turner, G. M. W. Stevens. 2021. A hitchhiker guide to manta rays: Patterns of association between Mobula alfredi, Manta birostris, their symbionts, and other fishes in the Maldives. PLOS ONE: 23 hlm.
Sadili, D., Dharmadi, Fahmi, Sarmintohadi, dkk. 2015. Rencana Aksi Nasional (RAN) Konservasi Pari Manta (Manta spp.) Periode ke-1 : 2016 -- 2020. Direktorat Konservasi dan Keanekaragaman Hayati Laut. Jakarta.
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