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David Rohans R Hutagaol
David Rohans R Hutagaol Mohon Tunggu... Akuntan - I write what i think

My name is David Rohans Rivaldo Hutagaol | An idealistic scatterbrain who loves reading, writing, listening, analyzing and travelling | A banker (someday) | A man with too many questions inside his head, who's interested in politic, music, social and economy |




What Went Wrong When The Majority Said There's Nothing Wrong

14 Agustus 2017   06:11 Diperbarui: 25 Agustus 2017   20:10 1142
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In another industry, Indonesia's Gojek, Malaysia's Grab and USA's Uber are still dominating the on-demand-services industry and have successfully managed to convert people's habit into daily routine. They compete each other, from giving discount, etc. Discount is not an innovation for sure, it's strategy! Once discount dissapear, customers won't be willing to pay convenience offered. Because of what? Indonesians are highly price-sensitive. Innovative business like start-up companies need to emerge to mitigate this.

By the way, speaking about on-demand-services, i have a project that's on-process. On demand services. Not transportation technology like Gojek, Grab and Uber, it's because i know it's really hard to compete with these 3 startup companies due to their position as the market leaders in Indonesia. I have a concept and now that concept became a project that's on process after few days ago i met my friend in Central Park Mall (West Jakarta) and shared my concept, then we build this by making team at first. That's related to new Governor's (Anies Baswedan) vision "Pembangunan Manusia". Ed-tech (Education Technology). I do believe that there's opportunity due to the promising outlook of on-demand services.

 I realize that today everything goes mobile. You want something, you can get it from your 4, 5 or 6 inches of your smartphone. Everything goes digital. You can access everything with faster internet speeds and cheaper smart-phones. So, my vision of this project is everyone could study anytime and anywhere. I offer solution for all Indonesian People, include young people, to join this app (when it's done), you can study anytime and anywhere, and you could make money too in here (for you who have skill, the professional). This project is on demand services, and i will prove that we will save your expense, you can compare it. I'll tell then (in this media) when this project is done.

Few years ago, before technology was booming, the brighest college grads let's say bachelor degree from top universities like UI, ITB, UGM, etc started their careers on Banks, Indonesia Stock Exchange (in Indonesia language, Bursa Efek Indonesia), WIKA, WASKITA, PLN, PGN, Ernst & Young, Shell, Total, etc. But today, they increasingly set their goal on technology, they who have idealism and want to change the world, the promise of money alluring young people and the smart one. 

Their mindset is like, it's ok to join an established company and spend years proving your worth that your worth is recognized, your pride, your existence, then ultimately still likely underpaid for your contribution and the risk of your job, should they be extraordinary. It's better to build a start-up company based on your idea, where if successful you'll earn a lifetime's worth of salary in a few years ahead. It's like that i think. Well,  I give you one example. Do you know Buka Lapak? Bukalapak founders are graduates from ITB. Top university and the one who represents Indonesia in International. And some founders os start-up companies that i know holding master's degree earned 'em overseas.

In a land of 250 million people in Indonesia, with mobile's penetration, there's no doubt that Indonesia is a robust market for companies. FinTech (Financial Technology) could play an important role to make financial inclusion. I think now it's in OJK's hand how to make a regulation that can make every sector grow.


Age is just a number. Some of you may say that. So, age shouldn't be an issue, should it? But, have you ever seen in newspapers or in web, job advertisements in Indonesia? They put age limitation in SOE (State Owned Enterprises, or the so-called in Indonesia Language BUMN), and even in private companies. What went wrong? Or there's nothing wrong about this? Let's discuss about this. Here we go...

Well, some employers love to hire teenage workers for part-time jobs, because of what? Because, most of 'em are highly motivated, and they need cash for sure, then you can get the efficiency because you can hire 'em under the UMR.  Ok, this is from the minimum age threshold and for the-magang-staff position. And i do agree if there's a minimum age threshold but not for the maximum age threshold. Why?

Let me tell you something. Well, My Dad hold bachelor degree from University of Gadjah Mada and hold magister degree from Netherland. He was born from poor family by the way. He told me that he never read any maximum age threshold on the job advertisement in Netherland. And he had ever gone to Germany, Belgium, etc, the same thing that he knew in there, he never read any maximum age threshold. All based on your brain and your competence in there. So, if i have to compare, what i should question is, is a 30 years old man/woman absolutely more productive that 23 years old? Is there any research about this? I mean a real research. In Europe, My Dad told me that it doesn't matter young or old, they have an equal opportunities!

Well, in Indonesia, it's kind a rude. Put age limitation in job advertisement, and sometime i laugh when read some job advertisement that put maximum age threshold 24 years old. Are you fucking kidding me? Maybe in a few years ahead, maybe the maximum threshold 20 years old. Hahaha. So they can pay cheaper than the experience one and the-well-educated-person. Some of that companies put lower maximum age threshold, because i bet and i guarantee that they can't afford to hire the experience one! They can't! That's why they find the fresh graduates candidates.

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