Well, this is my first article in 2017. So looong. Haha. Anyway, i don’t have any idea to write some issues in this article. I write just because want to “buang suntuk”. So i will try to write this short article. Maybe will be my very first short article.
Ok, i try at first to discuss about the political tension at Jakarta. Yes, you know the point, what i want to write is the tension between Basuki Tjahaja Purnawa (well known as Ahok) and Anies Baswedan towards the second round. We all know that this is the local election that feels like presidential election. Without Agus Yudhoyono who lost in the earlier round, the question is, his voters will vote for Ahok or go with Anies team or maybe will not vote either Ahok and Anies. The stakes are high!
When i look to some voters, they are too easy to be impressed when the candidates promise them something good. They don’t know that this is too hard to realized. When someone promise that we can have home without any down payment, the voters believe that he will realize this when he lead Jakarta, at the same time i talk to myself “Oh Sir, your bullshit is too shabby. None wants it”.
Everyone really cares about this election, it’s such decisive moment for the future. That’s why everyone take their own chance for their interests in this local election. Some try to drag the incumbent down. Some try to make blashpemy law. Some idolized the wrong people. And...some people try to be delusional and try to make this country as One, one race and one religion.
Well, blashpemy is a very sensitive charge. That’s why too many action by radical organization that held in Jakarta. Unfortunately, there’s no limit regard to interpreting blashpemy. One may find an act to be blashphemous while others are not bothered by it. Anyway, blasphemy is unacceptable. What we question is, how far should the state be involved in this matter and what is its role supposed to be? From my point of view, i think the state shouldn’t be involved regard to religious matters or even worse become the executioner of religion. The state should measure only the crimes that are defined under an objective law.
The problem that we face in Indonesia is our society that is not able to open a dialogue about differences and think about religion only in black or white dimensions. For me, religious differences is more than just a “right or wrong” prespective.
Anyway, let’s talk about the latest poll. For me, Ahok is still better, but i don’t know that my perception is the same with the Jakartans. When i see the latest poll, almost all survey put Anies and his running mate, Sandiaga Uno, as the front runner in this election. That’s kind of life, we face the up and down. Hahaha.
You know that in November Ahok’s popularity took a massive hit when the National Police declared him a suspect in a blashpemy case. This was compounded by large-scale demonstrations against him. This case brought the benefit to another candidate, they could play the religion card in this election. Even the latest fact has been published, i do believe that proven track record is the strongest factor behind Ahok’s electability, i do believe that the majority of the Jakartans, from the bottom of their heart, they want the Governor to retain his seat.
Well, i will give you one message that is very strong who read this article. From the economy side, that we all know that Ahok-Djarot concern about the infrastructure. I do believe that foreign investment is predicted to rise should Basuki Thaja Purnama (well known as Ahok) be re-elected. Anies as my prediction, will allocate the significant portions of the city budget to education. And on the other hand, if Ahok is found not guilty, the government will have to take anticipatory steps to manage the fallout as protests centered in Jakarta are expected.
By the way, i’m not “teman Ahok” or “Anies Team”, i just the citizen who want the better Jakarta. I don’t care who will lead Jakarta. The most important to me, April 19th 2017 is holiday because of this election. Hahaha. Case closed!
At the second topic, i want to discuss about FinTech. The market is meeting place for supply and demand. It’s where companies compete to win the minds and hearts of customer. Well, i want to discuss this because i see the massive turn of FinTech. I have two story by the way. First, i just had a holiday in Bali. When i arrived in I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, i order grab car. I have discussion with the grab driver. You know what? He can earn money Rp 14.000.000 in a month.
I ask him “Bli, how much you can earn as the grab driver a month?”. Then he answered that nominal. Rp 14.000.000. You know what? That’s insane! If you work in SOE, you can’t earn that. When we work, we earn let’s say under Rp 10.000.000 in a month, but you work like live in hell. Very stressful and always under pressure.
Then, the second story is about my friend who’s at first work as sales and in the same work location. He resigned when his wife was pregnant. I was shaked. I mean “come on man, your wife is pregnant, what the hell are you doing with that decision?”. By the way, now he’s as grab driver in Jakarta. He can earn above the salary as sales. That’s how the fintech change our socio-cultural, life and way of thinking.
Fintech is further development of the financial service industry which majority depends on the internet and digital innovations. I think FinTech in Indonesia developed significantly, some have been dominated the field and become big players that have contributed to the development of the financial service industry. I do believe that FinTech will grow and get bigger. You know why? Due to the reality of this country’s low fintech market penetration, reflected in the fact that fintech has yet to reach all regions in Indonesia. It’s double growth factor, where financial services grow alongside technology.
Ummm, i think Fintech will move faster. After Gojek, Grab and Uber are booming in this Country, i do believe next the application can provide the room, with the lower price than Traveloka, etc. You know when we booked a hotel room, the price is above 350k. I think this is the opportunity to get profit. People who have enough space for room, can rent his room. It’s very useful for the people who have low budget but want to travel.
With the massive move of Fintech, some transportation company face a very real threat. Malaysia’s Grab, Indonesia’s Gojek and USA’s Uber, has aroused string of negative reactions from conventional transportation. Governments have also come underpressure. While this emerging online transportation networks are growing increasingly popular among customers, the question remains whether they should be allowed to thrive the expense of conventional transportation companies, which feel disadvantaged by the convenience and affordability of these alternative transprtation players.
That’s from transportation and Hotel (will be, just a matter of time i guess), Bank now have to deal with the new competitors from telecommunication operators and financial technology companies. However, rather than seeing these new players as a threat, some banks have found way to forge new, and profitable and partnership with them. I know this because i have a friend who works in FinTech, and his company under BTN. The traditional limitations faced by these new players, have in turn opened up collaboration opportunities with the conventional financial institution.
Maybe few years ago, some big company didn’t think that they will face the new competitors. They didn’t think and they didn’t hear, until another players hit their eye. Business players must be prepared to adapt and find new ways to break through. Now is the time Company will compete with everyone, from everywhere, for everything. Big company will bankrupt if they dont change their way of thinking. Don’t be delusional that the market always prefer to them because of their name!
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