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Rizky Amelia
Rizky Amelia Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Mahasiswa UIN Walisongo

full-time learner




The Reason Why We Should Have Future Plans

13 Juni 2021   19:02 Diperbarui: 13 Juni 2021   19:03 35
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If you ever asked me, what will I be in future? I don't know exactly. Yes, that's because I don't know what will I be. But if you ask me what my dream job in future, I will tell you. When I was on elementary school, I thought I had so much future dream. I want to be a doctor, nurse, teacher, singer, even journalist. I used to always have curious on science. Since I was kid, my mother bought me a book about encyclopedia of scientist such as Newton, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Edison. So I thought, it would be fun if I want to be scientist.

Well, that was another kid dreaming about future. I had so much dreams. Even when I was on junior high school, I was dreamed about go to Harvard University. But time flies, the more you grow, the more you realized. Reality isn't that simple as what you expect. The opportunity isn't always come. Sometimes you have to look on the other side.

Last years of my senior high school, I got confused about where I will continued my study and what kind of study program that would I take. I faced so many choices. I got my test on MBTI, it said that I should be an engineer. But I'm not good at physics, even math. So I have to decided. Finally I choose chemistry. It sound silly because I'm not really that good into chemistry too. I was afraid about what if I can't survive. But once again, time flies. I was searching for information about study program of chemistry. What is chemistry, what we learn in chemistry, and what kind of job in chemistry. So I finally take my study program of chemistry at UIN Walisongo Semarang.

Now I have a view about what kind of job that I want to get in the future. I want to be researcher. Work as RnD. I want to work at Pertamina, or kind of BUMN Laboratory. Also I want to take my master degree at UNDIP, I think I also want to be lecturer too. But most important, I want to be a useful person to others.

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