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Exploring the Uniqueness of PPL in Podcasting and Web Design in Faculty Adab and Humaniora UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

7 September 2024   15:16 Diperbarui: 7 September 2024   15:17 10
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In the bustling corridors of the Faculty of Adab at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, a transformative journey unfolds through the realms of podcasts and web media. These platforms aren't just tools but gateways to exploration and discovery, shaping my personal and professional growth during the Practicum Project Learning (PPL) program.

Daily Activities: Setting up OBS and Camera for Podcasts

Exploring the Tools: OBS Setup

Every podcasting session at the Faculty of Adab, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, begins with setting up OBS (Open Broadcaster Software), a versatile tool for recording and streaming. We start by configuring audio inputs, ensuring crisp sound quality for our discussions and interviews. Adjusting microphone levels and testing audio filters become routine tasks to enhance the clarity and professionalism of our recordings.

Next, we delve into video settings, fine-tuning resolutions and frame rates to achieve optimal visual presentation. This meticulous setup ensures that our podcast episodes are not only engaging but also visually appealing, capturing the essence of our discussions with precision.

Camera Setup: Framing Perspectives

Beyond software, mastering camera setup is crucial for capturing compelling visuals. We experiment with different camera angles and lighting arrangements, aiming to create a professional atmosphere that complements our content. Adjusting focal lengths and framing shots become artful practices, transforming our recording space into a dynamic setting that reflects the essence of our podcast themes.

During setup, teamwork plays a pivotal role as we collaborate to achieve seamless transitions and visual continuity throughout each episode. These hands-on experiences not only refine our technical skills but also foster teamwork and creative problem-solving in real-time production environments.

Immersive Podcast Adventures

From the outset, diving into podcast production was a thrilling plunge into the world of audio storytelling. Collaborating with fellow students and mentors, we brainstormed topics, conducted interviews, and meticulously crafted episodes that resonate with our academic passions. Whether it was debating literary interpretations or discussing societal issues, each recording session was a blend of creativity and scholarly rigor.

Editing sessions became moments of refining our narratives, ensuring every word and sound conveyed the essence of our research and insights. The hum of the editing software echoed our dedication to producing compelling content that would educate and engage our listeners.

Crafting Digital Narratives

Simultaneously, navigating the landscape of web content creation felt like sculpting with digital clay. Learning to code and design websites opened a new frontier where creativity met technical prowess. From coding HTML to designing user interfaces, each line of code and pixel placement transformed theoretical knowledge into tangible digital experiences.

Through workshops and practical sessions, I learned to wield CMS tools like WordPress, transforming blank templates into interactive platforms that housed our podcasts and academic endeavors. It wasn't just about aesthetics but about creating digital spaces that resonate with our audience, enhancing accessibility and user engagement.

Moments Captured in Pixels

Amidst the whirlwind of activities, the photo galleries served as poignant reminders of our journey. Candid snapshots captured the camaraderie during brainstorming sessions, the intensity of recording pivotal podcast episodes, and the joy of mastering new web development skills. Each photograph became a testament to our growth and shared experiences within the dynamic PPL environment.


The PPL program in podcasting and web media at the Faculty of Adab and Humaniora, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, has been a transformative chapter in my academic and personal journey. Beyond equipping me with technical skills in podcast production and web development, it has instilled in me a deeper appreciation for the intersection of technology, communication, and academia.

As I reflect on the countless hours spent crafting narratives and coding websites, I realize how these experiences have prepared me for future challenges in digital communication and content creation. The blend of creativity and technical proficiency nurtured during PPL is not just about mastering tools but about harnessing them to amplify voices, share knowledge, and spark meaningful conversations.

Looking ahead, I am confident that the skills and insights gained through PPL will continue to guide my path, bridging the gap between academia and industry in the ever-evolving world of media and digital communication. With each podcast episode produced and website launched, I am reminded that learning extends beyond the classroom, shaping me into a storyteller and digital creator ready to make a lasting impact.

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