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Risti Rohimah
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Ilmu Sosbud

Learning Management System by Risti Rohimah

18 Januari 2022   12:33 Diperbarui: 18 Januari 2022   12:54 101
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As we already know that online learning has become an alternative path for the student's learning process, due to the pandemic situation or covid-19 virus that has occurred in the last 2 years or so.

Where the student learning process which is usually carried out face-to-face is now being replaced by online learning, in order to keep teaching and learning activities carried out even in a state of constrained conditions.

This online learning system was chosen as an alternative because it is difficult to carry out face-to-face learning activities, due to the social distancing imposed by the government in order to suppress the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Online learning or we can call it A Learning Management System is an internet-based learning system that aims to facilitate users, both lecturers and students in the learning process.

This can be done using several applications, such as applications for video conferencing like google meet or zoom and also a websites provided by educational institutions such as google forms and e-learning.

For example in Pamulang University, the Learning Management System (LMS) used for the learning process is E-Learning, which is a website created by Pamulang University. Usually you are required to actively discuss then there will be a value in the course.

The aims of implementing Pamulang University's E-learning is to make it easier for students to understand the content or lecture material. Pamulang University's e-learning functions as a learning tool that can be accessed by students to study the content of lecture materials.

How to access this website by entering your NIM and password. This website contains many meetings, for now the available meetings are 14 meetings and do not include exam forums (Mid Term Test and Final Test).

The benefits of LMS itself that we can get are quite a lot, I think including LMS plays an important role in replacing our learning methods during emergency situations such as this pandemic. Our learning process doesn't stop because with this LMS, we don't have to come to campus or other schools to keep learning.

Through this LMS, it is enough to access the website that has been specially created and made available by the University of Pamulang. The website is sufficient to facilitate students and lecturers in carrying out teaching and learning activities at any time depending on the deadline for each policy from the lecturer.

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