Linear mathematical programming was then developed in 1950 by two scientists, A. Charnes and W.W. Cooper. Since early digital computers were generalized, a large-scale computer was developed by Sperry Univak in 1951 to facilitate data calculation. Then in 1966, L. Cummings and L. Porter introduced organizational behavior with the aim to further study people at work (Kumar and Suresh, 2009, p. 284).
     In 1970, W. Skinner and J. Orlicky developed the incorporation of all organizational activities into an integrated strategy with a common policy. In the same year, G Wright introduced the use of computers in the manufacturing industry and the control and planning of materials required. In 1980, the implementation of quality productivity was introduced by WE Deming from Japan (Kumar and Suresh, 2009, p. 284).
     Therefore, the term production management is a term that dates back to the 1930s to 1950s. Managers around the world were developing techniques for efficient manufacturing operations. Since then, other scientists began to study sociology, specifically human behavior in the workplace, while mathematicians and computers developed more advanced data analysis techniques.
     With these new advances came the name operations management, which focused heavily on the expanding manufacturing sector. There was also an emphasis on production in management practice rather than conventional analytical tasks (Johnston, 1998, p. 1).
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