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Rinsan Tobing Mohon Tunggu... Konsultan - Seorang pekerja yang biasa saja dan menyadari bahwa menulis harus menjadi kebiasaan.

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A Thought on Go Green

21 Maret 2017   15:43 Diperbarui: 21 Maret 2017   23:32 181
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To the extreme extend, the decision I have made to my life and my family is born from the awareness and consciousness on the menace of climate change due to human activities. I have decided to have small family of two children. The reason for that decision is that if I have one more child, I will contribute more damage to the nature. To fulfill one human being’s need through producing the food, water, clothes and other needs, the nature must be sacrificed for that effort.

One human being is obviously contributive to the damage of nature in the process of meeting all his needs for the whole life. This consciousness drives me to a decision that having one child, without neglecting my existence as human being to contribute to the continuation of civilization, I have taken a part in preserving nature and reducing the damage to nature due to the human being activities.

All parties all over the world are screaming now about the effect of the climate change. A huge meeting spending millions dollar is convened every year just to show people that they are concerned about the global warming. They meet at the very luxury prime place, spending a lot of water, burn more coal to produce electricity and create more garbage to the compound. They add more to the damage of the nature. It is because probably they think that at least it is not before their very eyes. But actually the contribution of the meeting as many people state is not significant.

As a matter of fact, as mentioned previously, the small things we can do will have a snowballing effect that will result in a huge impact. The key is that it must be started from us. The lifestyle must be adjusted, the need must be prioritized, the greed must be eliminated or nothing will be left for our next generation.

Today, on 21 March, we commemorate the International Forest Day. The forest will be our future. The forest will be our children inheritence. We have to keep the forest alive for the rest of the world time. We don’t think something huge to do that. You can start small. You can start with no littering. Small action will lead to great one, in particular buidling character toward presrvation of nature. Then some day you will be the one to defend the forest conservation. For better future and for better inheritence to the next generation. As many say that todays planet is borrowed from our children.

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