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Rifki Feriandi
Rifki Feriandi Mohon Tunggu... Relawan - Open minded, easy going,

telat daki.... telat jalan-jalan.... tapi enjoy the life sajah...




Tales of Everything Dirty

29 November 2011   14:59 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   23:02 63
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Read this sentence like you are poet and with a soft intonation for words in bracket:

TO (there) I LET (it goes).

What does it mean? Yap, something for everything dirty. Something to there I let it goes. TO-I-LET. Toilet....

In that small cubicle, sized less than 1mx1m, all dirty activities happen. You know what I mean. (Hmm...don't be negative, it's not about s*x. You are what you think loh). And there also happened all funny things for me.

Remember about my previous story about 'toilet is still my room'? That was an embarrassed thing to me, as well as the first funny thing about my room. 'If Rifki has a meeting, find him in toilet. If Rifki is in the toilet, he has a meeting'. That was because I always had a stomachache everytime I had a meeting. Pressure. Stress. Embarrassed. Funny.

Then come my other funny thing, when my jaw dropped at the first convention center I visited. The toilet was so clean, smell so good and so 'cling'. All side of walls were clean and blink-blink, like a mirror. So did the seat-toilet. White like milk. No dirt anywhere. Without any urgency for pee, I just sit there. Sooo relax. It was so relieving.

I stood up. Checked every inch of the cubicle. And 'bingo'! Something 'new' attracted my eyes. It's a small pipe on the seat. Small. With almost 45 degree direction. What for? Ow, there was a tap. I turned it on. Suddenly water sprayd like a jet from that small pipe, exactly toward my face and my body, who was leaning down. Shocked by an unexpected. I went out of the cubicle with wet face only to see an disgusted eye of young 'rich' man my age. Red face embarrassed. I mute-screamed: 'Udiiiik!!! 'Katroook!'

(To be continued deh)

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