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Renaldy Satio
Renaldy Satio Mohon Tunggu... Founder TBT English / Guru TBT English / Koordinator International Exam Preparation

A lifetime student who has been devoting his time and passion to learn and teach others. He believes that learning and teaching should be viewed as a process instead of goals and progress instead of scores




A Grimy Book, A Ragged Man, A Wilted Flower

31 Juli 2023   14:11 Diperbarui: 31 Juli 2023   14:51 62
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A book may have a grimy cover, 

Its pages stained and torn, 

But don't judge it by its outward show, 

For within its pages lies a store Of wisdom, knowledge, and of lore.

A man may be in rags and tatters, 

His face unwashed and grim, 

But don't judge him by his outward show, 

For in his heart there may be more Of goodness, kindness, and of love Than in the hearts of those who seem More prosperous and more refined.

A flower may be small and lowly, 

Its petals brown and dry, 

  1. 1
  2. 2
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