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Ilmu Sosbud

Indonesia Targets Economic Growth

12 Oktober 2023   14:22 Diperbarui: 12 Oktober 2023   14:24 83
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Indonesia targets economic growth

Currently, Indonesia is facing challenges in facing sustainable economic growth. Well, one of them is the issue of where Indonesia is targeting economic growth of 5.2%. The designed economic growth target aims to encourage better economic development in Indonesia, but in this draft, there are many different opinions and views. Some support the economic growth target of 5.2%, arguing that this target shows the government's commitment to encouraging higher economic growth. They believe that high economic growth will have positive impacts on society, such as increasing employment opportunities, reducing poverty levels and increasing prosperity. But some view that economic growth targets that focus too much on percentages can ignore other important aspects such as the quality of growth, social inclusion and environmental desires. We need to pay attention to social and environmental impacts, and ensure that the economic growth achieved is also sustainable and equitable for the entire community.

Furthermore, achieving the economic growth target requires collaborative efforts from various parties, including the government, private sector and society. Economic growth targets are the government's projections or hopes for economic growth in a certain period. This target is set based on analysis and evaluation of current economic conditions, past growth trends, as well as economic and social factors that influence the economy. The government needs to implement policies that support investment, encourage innovation increase productivity, and strengthen economic sectors that have the potential to grow. Apart from that, it is also important to improve the quality of human resources through education and training that is relevant to the needs of the job market. Investment in infrastructure must also continue to be made to strengthen connectivity and support the growth of strategic economic sectors. Apart from internal factors, global economic stability will also have a significant impact on achieving economic growth targets. Therefore, the government needs to maintain good relations with other countries, strengthen regional economic cooperation, and anticipate and overcome risks

global economy that may arise. So, the economic growth target stated by Jokowi shows his hope that the Indonesian economy will continue to develop and reach this figure within the specified period. This target may be based on government policies and programs aimed at encouraging economic growth, such as investment, infrastructure, industry and structural reform. Implications of economic growth targets: High economic growth targets have a positive impact on the economy and society. Strong economic growth can create new jobs, increase people's income, reduce poverty, increase purchasing power and encourage investment. This can also help improve welfare and increase the competitiveness of a country's economy at the global level.

President Jokowi targets economic growth in Indonesia of 5.2% in 2024.

According to him, this growth target has considered and taken into account the risks that will come in the following year. Jokowi said that to achieve this target, the government will strive to maintain macroeconomic stability, especially in the political year.

To maintain inflation, the role of the APBN will remain optimized to mitigate inflationary pressures, both due to climate change and external turmoil. Then, the average rupiah exchange rate is estimated to move around IDR 15,000 per US dollar. Meanwhile, the average interest rate for 10-year government securities (SBN) is predicted to be at 6.7% and the price of Indonesian crude oil (ICP) is predicted to remain high and at US$ 80 per barrel. On the other hand, oil and gas lifting is estimated to reach 625 thousand barrels per day and 1.03 million barrels of oil equivalent, respectively.

So, the economic assumptions estimated in 2024:

1. Economic growth in 2024 5.2%

2. Inflation 2.8%

3. 10-year government securities 6.7%

4. Average rupiah exchange rate Rp. 15,000

5. The price of crude oil in Indonesia (ICP) is US$80 per barrel

6. Lifting of oil and natural gas was 625 thousand barrels per day and 1.03 million barrels of oil equivalent per day, respectively.

In facing the issue of the 5.2% economic growth target set by Jokowi, it is important to carry out evaluations objectively and continuously, as well as make necessary policy adjustments. Apart from that, it is also important to involve various parties, including historians, economic experts and civil society, in discussions and decision-making related to economic policy. However, it is important to note that achieving economic growth targets is not always easy. Many factors can influence the achievement of this target, including global conditions, political stability, effective economic policies, and other internal factors. Therefore, the government needs to continue to maintain and broadcast economic performance and implement appropriate policies to achieve the set economic growth targets.

Thus, the issue of the 5.2% economic growth target set by Jokowi is complex and requires a deep understanding of the various factors that influence economic growth. It is important to continue to encourage dialogue and collaboration between government, the private sector and society to achieve economic growth that is inclusive, sustainable and provides benefits for all Indonesian people.

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