Launched by Wikipedia, advertising is a message that aims to make the products offered can be sold or can be used by the public. A good advertisement must meet several criteria, such as: creative, flexibility, mix, and also have artistic value. This is a standard criterion so that viewers are interested in buying and using the advertised product.
 Oreo is a snack product that has various types of flavors. Produced by a company called Nabisco, United States, and was first created in 1912. Meanwhile in Indonesia, Oreo food products are produced by PT. Mondelz Indonesia Manufacturing. Oreo food products are very popular with the world community because they have a unique texture, taste and shape, and can be combined with the flavors of each country.
Oreo in Indonesia launched an advertisement called "Oreo Wonderfilled" or "Oreo Penuh Keajaiban" which was considered very creative, seen from the point of view of its illustration, animation and song which attracted the attention of the audience. In the song, Oreo Wonderfilled has 2 types of stories, namely the Vampire version and the Shark version.
Song lyrics for the Vampire version:
Imagine me
Give Oreos to the Vampire
The creepy one,
Will he change
Be fun
With a glass of milk in hand
Full of miracle
Imagine giving me Oreo
Shark version song lyrics:
Imagine me
Give Oreos to the Shark
Sharp teeth,
Will he change
Become friends
Together sharing delicious cream
Full of miracle
Imagine giving me Oreos
The advertisement illustrates that if we eat Oreos, those who were grumpy can become patient, and those who were creepy can become friendly. Even though the words are simple, this ad has the advantage of being an attractive cover by making the audience seem to imagine like children.
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