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The Further Road

2 Agustus 2016   22:08 Diperbarui: 5 Agustus 2016   16:24 133
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After Koblenz tour, me and the girls decided to join our Indonesian friends who were chilling by the river, across the German corner. Due to the sufficient number of participant, we decided to play werewolf game. This turns out to be my favorite game even though I usually take the role as the game master who controls the whole game. Also during the BBQ party in Prof.Janz house with the Americans, I taught them the game of werewolf and this successfully brought us all together.

At first, I had a doubt that we will get along. I thought there will be a gap between the Indonesian and the American group during this trip and we would rather not be mentioned as a single group altogether. But what happened was we were getting along even closer and closer in each day that has passed. There were also one night, that I remember, where we shared personal stories. It was such a pleasant thing to hear one’s stories (most of them were about their love life). Along this exchanging thoughts, I notice that I have a very similar perspective as they do concerning the value of one’s life. “Expect the unexpected” and “let your life flow” are two of the basic principals that you need to keep in mind. Because the way I understand it, that is what this whole life is about, it is about experience, it is about the process and it is about learning and improving and being a better personality without the urge to be selfish.

Meet the Juniata people
Meet the Juniata people
My Dad always reminded me of my purpose being here; to study. Honestly, I do not know it that is my main purpose. Because as long as I am concern, it is more to gain experience. By having a lot of experience, we are pushed to be mature in both personality and thoughts. As someone once told me, “You change from experience and not from age”.

Thank you for following my adventure! My time here is almost over, so does the journey. But there are still a lot of stories that I have not mentioned yet. Stay tune for the third post! In the next post I will tell you our trip outside Germany. See you!

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