36. The Mystery of the Missing Mermaid (Misteri Hilangnya Putri Duyung)
37. The Mystery of the Two-Toed Pigeon (Misteri Merpati Berjari Dua)
38. The Mystery of the Smashing Glass (Misteri Kaca-kaca Remuk)
39. The Mystery of the Trail of Terror (Misteri Kejaran Teror)
40. The Mystery of the Rogues' Reunion (Misteri Reuni Berandal Cilik)
41. The Mystery of the Creep-Show Crooks (Misteri Penyamun Horor)
42. The Mystery of Wrecker's Rock (Misteri Karang Bencana)
43. The Mystery of the Cranky Collector (Penculikan Kolektor Serakah)
Judul lengkap "Trio Detektif: Crimebusters":
1. Hot Wheels (Komplotan Pencuri Mobil Mewah)
2. Murder To Go (Ayam Goreng Beracun)