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Ethics in Social Media, How Social Media Tends to Affect Our Behavior

18 April 2019   08:48 Diperbarui: 18 April 2019   08:59 72
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I will not tell you to stop using social media or abandon the internet because there were many valuable pieces of information that we could get access for free, and so stopping to use social media itself is not a solution. As I mentioned earlier, the virtue of using internet relied on the perspective of the users itself, since the Government had not set any restriction in using it, and the press did not properly become a filter to give proper verification of news. We are the filter of what we want to believe in this social media era, where various of untamed news surges all over the internet. 

The easiest way to set a barrier in our mind is to give a peripheral thought for every information we receive through the Internet and set a high need for cognition before we could trust the sources. Although it is least possible since we don't have time to give a serious thought from dozens of information we receive every day. Consider ourselves as consumers of a product, mostly we spend our money on a product which we think that we need it, instead we just feel to need it. 

Consumer tends to buy product according to their emotion, a girl who got a broken heart, want to eat chocolate to mend her feelings, a man buy cigarettes because they are stressed out, a boy want to buy a toy because he think it is cool, instead their parents who have the money think it is just a waste with no purpose. 

And so consider ourselves as a consumer of news and set a basic question such, Do I need to believe the information? Is it possible for such a thing to happen? Did the writer provide clear information about the accident ? or Who write this news?. With such the basic measures we force ourselves to give a peripheral thought and proper cognition towards news. The Internet is still a good source of information if we think it is.

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