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Two Asian Representatives Suprise in the 2022 World Cup Preliminary Matches

28 November 2022   22:48 Diperbarui: 28 November 2022   23:07 285
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The Wold Cup event is the 4 th annual football party is eagerly awaited by football fans around the world, since the World Cup title always presents interesting and suprising matches, we can see in the match between Argentina and Saudi Arabia, on paper and the predictions of many people who out performed Argentina who come outperformed Argentina who come out victorius in that match but in football everything coul happen suprisingly Saudi Arabia came out victorious in the match, even though in the first half Argentina excelled through a white point executed by Lionel Messi in the second half, Saudi Arabia was able to get up and reply through goals scored by Al-Shehri and Aldawsri which were scored in the second half, the victory achived by Saudi Arabia caused joy and happines for the people and even the king of Saudi Arabia namely King Salman, after the victory of Saudi Arabia over Argentina King Salaman gaves gifts to Saudi Arabian employees and his staff, besides that King Salman made the day a holiday national.

Another Asian representative who gave a suprise in the early match was Japan who managed to beat Germany. Japan managed to make the Germany players fall limp, Japan managed to win their first victory with an narrow score 2-1, just like Arabian and Argentina, Germany also managed to excel through the white point in the first round of penalty kicks executed by I. 

Gundogan managed to find the net, the Japanese goalkeeper escorted by  S. Gonda the match in the first round ended with Germany's advantage with a score 1-0, in the second half japan managed to bounce back through goals scored by R. Doan in the 75 th minuted by T. Asano in the 83 rd minute, the score was 2-1 lasted until the second half ended and the victory  was won by japan.

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