2. Bioremediation
Bioremediation is the activity of cleaning the soil, but this time using microorganisms (fungi, bacteria, etc.). This bioremediation activity aims to make pollutants less / non-toxic.
Now that I have explained all of the pollution, I would like to focus on the Air Pollution, which results in the upcoming points in this article.
Chapter 2: The Effects of the Problem
There are several consequences of environmental pollution. One of them, indirectly, can cause global warming. For example, air pollution can cause a greenhouse effect, which results in global warming, which can lead to climate change.
Before we get into all of that, we need to get it all from step one.
A. It begins | The Greenhouse effect
Once you start down the dark path, forever it will dominate your destiny -George Lucas
The greenhouse effect is when sunlight that enters the earth is mostly TRAPPED, which is caused by the immense amount of gasses in the atmosphere. The cause of the existence of these gasses is Air Pollution, which I mentioned in the previous chapter.
The substances that factories, cars, and any air pollutants emit are CO2, CFCs, methane, ozone, and N2O. These muddle up in the atmosphere, which traps the sunlight coming in, and lets a small percentage come out.
This results in another scenario, where the earth gets warmer. Otherwise known as...
B. It gets worse | Global Warming
Global warming is when the trapped sunlight heats parts of the earth, as it keeps reflecting inside the earth's atmosphere.