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Is It True that Women Are Always Right? Here's What Science Says

20 Oktober 2022   15:58 Diperbarui: 20 Oktober 2022   16:02 1356
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Photo by Rowan Kyle on Unsplash   

Without a doubt, we must be already familiar with a quote that says, "Women are always right." Yup, we definitely have been hearing it over and over again. And sometimes this quote is used to justify that everything women do or say is the best.

When in reality, it doesn't always work like that. Both women and men are sometimes right and sometimes just wrong. But, have you ever wondered if this quote comes from scientific facts? Facts that have justified this quote, making it a legit and undebatable thing, especially for men?

Differences Between Women and Men

There are a lot of differences between women and men. It depends on what criteria or aspects you're looking to. Here are differences between women and men based on several aspects.


The left side of the brain, which includes the visual-spatial-logical, perceptual, mathematical, problem-solving, creating, and figuring out puzzles, develops in boys more quickly than in girls.

In contrast to boys, girls develop their right side of the brain more quickly, which results in earlier reading, greater memory, speech, vocabulary, and pronunciation. The corpus callosum is thicker in women, who utilize both hemispheres of the brain.

Girls play with stuffed animals and dolls more than boys do, and they are more interested in toys with faces, while boys are more drawn to complex games like blocks.

Self-Esteem and Value

Men's Perspective

Men's sense of self is characterized by their capacity for success and accomplishment. accomplish objectives, demonstrate competence, and feel good about himself. That's why men must succeed on their own if they want to feel good about themselves.

Men often view "doing it by themselves" as a sign of competence, authority, and efficacy. In general, males are less interested in people and feelings and more interested in things and items.

Men rarely discuss their issues unless they are looking for "professional" assistance. That means, asking for assistance when you are capable of handling a situation on your own is seen as a sign of weakness.

Women's Perspective

Women place a high priority on relationships, love, and communication. The nature of a woman's connections and her sentiments define her idea of who she is. They invest a lot of time in encouraging, caring for, and supporting one another. They feel fulfilled through communicating and sharing.

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