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Rahmadini Purnamasari
Rahmadini Purnamasari Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Mahasiswi

HI! I'm Rahmadini Purnamasari as English Literature Student in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta





15 Desember 2022   17:22 Diperbarui: 15 Desember 2022   18:13 154
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Because the next day I do not leave the room. My mother come to my room and said, "Okay, if Forest wants to do what Forest wants, Mother and Father will try to accept it, but for now Forest is going out to eat, how many days has Forest not eaten."

I left the room with a face that was definitely very puffy and messy, to be honest, I feel like I am going to pass out and my stomach is very sore because I hadn't eaten anything for two days. Only drank from a 2L bottle, which at that time was available water.

Finally I am able to enter the major I want and manage to graduate with satisfactory results by graduating cumlaude. The reaction of my parents are usually just say congratulations and not give anything. But I'm trying to be strong with it. I have another argument with my parents because I get a job at a well-known book publisher.

"You know Forest, how many trees in the forest are harmed by cutting down trees to make paper." Mom said while sitting on the bench in the family gathering room.

"Mom, come on, this is a big opportunity for me so that later I can open my own publishing house." I said while sitting beside my mother.

My father, who heard this,is furious to know that child ideals is like that. After all, which parent only knows the ideals of their child now, at the age of 23 years. Why do they get angry like that.

The actions of my parents make all my anger flare up even more, they deliberately put me into a volunteer forest protection job in Kalimantan. Because I don't want any more commotion and I'm actually curious why my parents would do this for the forest. I also want to work there. It turn out that it is very easy to shake all my bad views about the forest, everything seem to disappear with what I see in the field. I am there not only observing the forest but I also see various kinds of animals injure by irresponsible human activities. Volunteers also help by bringing in veterinarians to treat them under government guidance. The longer I work here, the more I understand why my parents love the forest so much. The forest that is own by our country is already very few in number, more and more are being used as residential land. Many lumberjacks for industrial needs including paper. maybe this is what made my parents not really like my dream of wanting to set up a book publishing company. In fact, many people turn a blind eye to it. Me is no exception. Even though it is clear that the place where they lived was a place for trees and forest animals. We sacrifice too much for the nature around us without understanding the future impact that will occur without forests. Moreover, the forest in Indonesia is one of the lungs of the world. There are many great young volunteers here who have open my eyes more about the forest.

It was also there that I meet Rian, one of the people who has been a forest volunteer for a long time. We're pretty close at work. Rian is tall, I even just shoulder to shoulder if we stand next to each other. He helped me a lot. I've been working for months, I can only tell all my complaints about my lectures and dreams.

"You can still Forest to reach your dream." Rian said to me.

"How? Even my mother and father were against it. The last time I talked about my dream, they were furious."

“You can set up a book publishing house with materials from recycled paper, even though the cost is quite expensive. However, you can still preserve the forest and achieve your dreams.” He said with a sweet smile that made me unable to look away from that smile.

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