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Rahmadini Purnamasari
Rahmadini Purnamasari Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Mahasiswi

HI! I'm Rahmadini Purnamasari as English Literature Student in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta





15 Desember 2022   17:22 Diperbarui: 15 Desember 2022   18:13 154
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Then come the time for college admission selection to begin. I have prepare everything that need, I take it through the SBMPTN route. During registration, I am so confuse about the major I would choose. Because my parents wanted me to major in forestry or nature conservation. However, as I said earlier, I am more interested in literary matters and I also want to major in Indonesian Literature.

"Forest, we do not want you to enter that department." At that time I am very annoy with the statement that Mom and Dad give when we finish eating they said that I should to major in forestry or majors relate to the environment.

"But Forest, if you take that major, it will be easier for you to understand various lessons, because your mother and father can help." Mother said to me.

"Your mother is right. Apart from that, you will also find out various things relate to nature which are very important for us to protect.” Said my father at my dinner table.

"If it's not like this, here I can choose 2 options. The first choice is what I want and the second one is in accordance with what Mom and Dad want."

"Okay, if it's like that, even better."

After taking the college entrance test, I didn't go straight home and decide to play with my friends at one of my friends' houses when it is already 3pm. That's when I told all my complaints about what I am facing.

"Since then every time I meet with my parents the conversation is related to the majors they always discuss." I said while making an annoy look.

Clara, who is my seatmate and my close friend, sit next to me, "Don't worry, your mother and father will definitely understand your choice later, maybe they still need time because what they want isn't what you want."

"That is true." said the owner of the house, Sinta, who is still busy changing television channels.

"It seems that all parents are like that, my mother also forced me to enter the same major as my brother's major, even though I am a woman who is suitable to enter the mechanical engineering department." Rara told the story while folding her hands.

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