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A Beautiful Saturday Night at Anand Ashram

14 Desember 2010   05:08 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   10:45 70
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Saturday, 30 October was a beautiful Saturday night since we could spend the night with our beloved friends, sharing, singing and meditating together in a most desolate places that are always missed which is called Anand Ashram.

It has been a long time I have not come to Anand Ashram because of my health, but this saturday I insisted on going there. A long the way there, I have got a heavy headeache but I kept on going.

Oh My God, something awesome happened. A blessing for me and all friends there. As usual, the Open House was started with a song titled Welcome to Love by Mrs. Maya Muchtar, then Mr. Dian Martin guided us to do the meditation. Through meditation we try to find what is in ourselves honestly, we must be honest to ourselves whether we find anger, hatret or sadness. Then we were guided to throw away such emotions that burden our soul by screaming out loud. In psikological terms it called catharsis.

After about 10 minutes let go all of our hatred, anger and those bad things in us we felt very comfortable, calm and peacefull.We felt peace that surrounds us, then we together made circle by holding our hand, and we tried to send that peacefull vibrations to our family members, relatives, people in Indonesia and all around the world. After sending the vibration, we said prayer together by reading five prayer from five religions.

The next one is celebration, where we all sang songs and had fun enjoying the day. For those who came for the first time, they were welcomed to introduce themselves. There were about 6-7 people who were in there, one of them is my best friend in FB - Heri Hermananto, nice to meet you friend.

Although Anand Ashram is being slandered, but it remained cheerful continuing its mission which is One Earth One Sky One Humankind. During that condition, Mr. Anand Krishna has published his 6 new books. Well, the show must go on.

And as usual the closing program is sing happy songs too but before it was finished, suddenly there was a crowd voice and when I looked around there was Mr. Anand Krishna entering the room. What a wonderfull moment it is!!! We were so happy to see Him.

He wore green clothes, his face was shining as usual full of cheerfulness, His smile still captivating all of our hearts, make us long for that smile. He shared joyfull and His love. It was the most beautiful gift.

He closed that night by saying Indonesia...., and we said Jaya. Indonesia Jaya! As usual He is a spirit of us, and this blood was on fire because of the spirit that rises to serve this country and humanity as He does.

Thank You for Your dedication. Hopefully we can continue to cut our ego so that we can bring the spirit of love in our lives, in our works.

(When I started to write this writing, I have got a heavy headeache because of a long trip sunter to bintaro, and also because of the medicine effects I have just taken. But once I completed this, it was gone, ah it is the beauty of certain blessing for me)

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