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Pollution and the Strategies to Reduce Them

26 Mei 2023   09:20 Diperbarui: 26 Mei 2023   09:24 152
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Kesehatan. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Schantalao

To recap, Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances or energy into the environment, resulting in adverse effects on the natural ecosystem and human health. It is a global issue that demands immediate attention and action. We have already explored the various types of pollution, their sources, and discuss potential measures to curb their detrimental impact. Pollution poses a significant threat to the environment and human health, requiring a lot of attention and efforts. To reduce pollution, it is a must to recognize its different forms and find out their sources. This is to the use of strict regulations, technological advancements, sustainable practices, and raising public awareness. By promoting responsible behavior, adopting cleaner technologies, and working together at local, national, and international levels, we can make a substantial impact in reducing pollution and preserving the planet for future generations. It is our daily responsibility to make a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable world.

Now for a brief explanation about global warming, which adds up to pollution.
Global warming is the increase in Earth's temperature caused by certain activities, releasing greenhouse gases like CO2 and CH4 that traps heat in the atmosphere. Burning fossil fuels and deforestation are big contributors. It leads to rising sea levels, melting ice caps, bad weather events, and disturbance of ecosystems and agriculture. To reduce global warming, we must reduce emissions, change to renewable energy, practice use of good land, and get used to climate change. Cooperation, policies, technology, and actions are important for a sustainable future.

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