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Borobudur: World's Greatest Buddhist temple is about to Get More Expensive

9 Juni 2022   16:53 Diperbarui: 9 Juni 2022   17:07 303
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source yogya-backpacker

Visiting the world's largest Buddhist temple is about to get expensive. 

Borobudur, the world's largest Buddhist temple and one of Indonesia's most popular attractions, is set to get more expensive as it will soon be subjected to a price hike in order to preserve historic and cultural wealth.

"We plan to limit the quota of tourists who want to go up to Borobudur Temple to 1200 people each day, and the tickets price cost $100 for foreign tourists and Rp750.000,- ($71) for domestic tourists," according to Minister of Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan. He wrote and announced it to his Instagram post.

Luhut posted on his Instagram
Luhut posted on his Instagram

Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan's Instagram Post 

Currently, tourists entering Borobudur pay a fee about $25 per person.

Additionally, all tourists must now also have to accompany by the use of a local guide while visiting Borobudur. "We do this to create new jobs while growing a sense of belonging and responsibility so that the historical sites can continue to thrive in the future's younger generation," said Luhut. 

source yogya-backpacker
source yogya-backpacker

They claimed that "this is a must do in order to generate new jobs while at the same time foster a sense of belongin, responsibility to care for and preserve one of the historical sites of this archipelago continues to grow in the hearts of people."

One of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world that located on Magelang city in Indonesia's Central Java Province, the Borobudur Temple is believed to have been built in the 9th  AD century, during the reign of the Syailendra Dynasty and has been preserved through several restorations. It is located in the Kedu Valley in Indonesia.

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